How to get Data Analyst Job as a Fresher?

Summary: Discover the roadmap to becoming a Data Analyst as a fresher: master essential tools like Python and SQL, build a robust portfolio, and gain practical experience through internships. Explore industries like finance and technology for entry-level roles, leveraging certifications and personal projects to stand out.


Data Analysis collects, cleans, transforms, and models data to extract useful information and insights. In today’s data-driven world, Data Analysis is essential for organisations across industries to make informed decisions and improve business outcomes. For freshers, Data Analysis presents an exciting career opportunity with excellent growth potential.

This blog post will explore how to get a job as a Data Analyst as a Fresher. Accordingly, the blog will explore the skills and tools required for a career in Data Analysis, the importance of building a solid educational foundation, and strategies for getting a job in Data Analysis as a fresher.

How Do You Become A Data Analyst With No Experience? 

Understanding how to become a Data Analyst without experience is crucial for aspiring professionals. I have written a detailed description of how you can become a Data Analyst with no experience. I hope it helps you understand the areas in which you need to work yourself.

Skill Development For Data Analysis

Skill development for Data Analysis is crucial as it enhances decision-making through informed insights from data. It empowers professionals to interpret trends, make accurate forecasts, and drive strategic business decisions.

Mastering these skills ensures efficiency, credibility, and innovation in data-driven environments, fostering career growth and organisational success. Effective skill development for Data Analysis are:

  • Technical Knowledge: A Data Analyst must be proficient in Python, R, SQL, and SAS programming languages. They must also be skilled in Excel, Tableau, and other data visualisation software.
  • Analytical skills: Data Analysts must have a keen eye for detail and the analytical abilities to skim through large amounts of data to find patterns, trends, and insights. They must also be able to explain their findings to stakeholders successfully.
  • Problem-Solving Skills: Data Analysts must be able to solve problems using a systematic and analytical attitude. Consequently, they must be able to divide complicated issues into smaller, more manageable chunks and create solutions that satisfy the requirements of their customers or companies.

Tools And Technologies For Data Analysts

Understanding tools and technologies for Data Analysts is crucial for efficient data handling, analysis, and visualisation. Proficiency in these tools streamlines data workflows, enhances decision-making, and boosts career prospects in analytics-driven industries. Primary tools and technologies for Data Analysts are:

  • Data Management Tools: Data Analysts manage, clean, and manipulate large datasets using technologies such as Excel, Google Sheets, and SQL.
  • Statistical Analysis Tools: To do sophisticated statistical analysis on data sets, statistical analysis tools like R, SAS, and SPSS are utilised.
  • Data Visualisation Tools: Tools such as Tableau, Power BI, and QlikView are used to create visualisations that help Data Analysts communicate their findings effectively to stakeholders.
  • Machine learning tools: Predictive models for making data-driven decisions are built using Machine Learning tools like Python and TensorFlow.

Build A Strong Foundation

Anyone wishing to pursue a Data Analysis profession must have a strong educational foundation. Indeed, one needs a solid mathematics, statistics, and computer science background to succeed in this sector. 

Schooling can help you acquire the abilities and information necessary for Data Analysis, making you more attractive to companies.

Courses and degrees that can prepare you to work as a Data Analyst include:

  • A Bachelor’s Degree: a degree in statistics, computer science, or a comparable discipline. With a bachelor’s degree in a related discipline, you can acquire a solid foundation in mathematics, statistics, and computer science, which are necessary for Data Analysis.
  • Master’s Degree in Data Science or Analytics: You can gain a more specialised education in Data Analysis and make yourself stand out to potential employers by earning a master’s degree in Data Science or analytics.
  • Certification Programs: You can obtain industry-recognised certifications and demonstrate your abilities and knowledge to potential employers by enrolling in certification programmes like the Microsoft Certified Data Analyst and Google Analytics Certification. Additionally, you can enrol in Pickl.AI’s Data Analytics certification course to become an industry expert with practical skills and hands-on experiences.
  • Bootcamps and Online Courses: Compared to traditional degree programmes, bootcamps and online courses can be more flexible and cost-effective. Online courses and bootcamps in Data Analysis and related subjects are available through many platforms.
  • Internships and apprenticeships: These opportunities can give you practical Data Analysis experience while advancing your career and portfolio development.
  • Self-Learning and Practice: These two methods can also aid your development as a Data Analyst. You can learn and practise Data Analysis using the many online resources, including books, courses, and open-source datasets.

Building A Portfolio

A portfolio is essential for demonstrating your skills and expertise to potential employers. It shows that you have practical experience in Data Analysis and can provide evidence of your work. A portfolio can also help you stand out from other applicants who may only have academic qualifications.

A good Data Analysis portfolio should include projects demonstrating your data collection, cleaning, analysis, and visualisation skills. The projects should be relevant to the job you are applying for and showcase your ability to solve real-world problems. It should also describe the problem, methodology, and outcome.

As a fresher, you may need to gain practical experience in Data Analysis. However, you can still build a portfolio by working on personal projects and participating in hackathons or competitions. You can also complete online courses or certification programs and showcase your skills by completing the projects provided in these courses.

Also Read: How to Build a Data Analyst Portfolio?

Applying For Jobs

Once you have built a robust portfolio showcasing your skills and projects, you can actively pursue entry-level job opportunities. Employers value practical experience and demonstrated competence, making a well-rounded portfolio essential for securing roles and establishing yourself as a capable professional.

Tips On Creating A Good Resume And Cover Letter

Your cover letter and CV should involve customisation for the position you’re looking for and should showcase your qualified qualifications. Ensure your resume is simple to read and includes information about your schooling, professional experience, and completed projects. Your cover letter should be clear and precise and highlight your most important skills and accomplishments.

See More: 

How to add Data Science Training Course Certificates to Your Resume?

The Ultimate Data Scientist Resume Guide with Example: Land Your Dream Job.

Getting Ready For Interviews

Interview preparation is essential to helping you feel confident and prepared when you meet with potential employers. Do your homework about the business and the position, and practise interviewing with a friend or family member. Additionally, it would help if you prepared answers to frequently asked questions.

Below are a few sample Data Analyst job interview questions:

  • Describe yourself to me.
  • What background do you have in Data Analysis?
  • What technology and tools have you applied to Data Analysis?
  • How do you deal with incomplete data?
  • How do you go about cleansing data?
  • Could you describe a Data Analysis project you’ve worked on for me?

Be truthful in your responses to these questions regarding your background and strategy. Focus on giving particular instances and demonstrating your problem-solving and result-achieving techniques.

What Kind Of Companies Can You Hope To Work For?

As a Data Analyst, you may opt to work for various companies across different industries. Most companies today rely on data to make informed decisions, which means there is a high demand for Data Analysts. 

Here are some of the industries and companies where you can expect to find entry-level Data Analyst jobs with no degree:

  • Media and Entertainment
  • Consulting firms
  • Finance
  • Healthcare
  • Technology-based companies
  • Marketing
  • Education
  • Transport and Logistics

Data Analyst Salary

The compensation of a new Data Analyst might change depending on several variables, including region, industry, company size, and educational background. Nonetheless, As of 2024, the typical salary for a new Data Analyst in India is ₹7,55000 per year.

The compensation range for new Data Analysts can also change depending on their educational background. Candidates with statistics or Data Science degrees may stand out from those with ordinary bachelor’s degrees.

Remembering that a Data Analyst’s income can rise dramatically with experience, qualifications, and extra abilities is vital. So, a career in Data Analysis can be financially rewarding for people interested in working with data and drawing conclusions from it.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get a Data Analyst job as a fresher?

To secure a Data Analyst role as a fresher, focus on mastering Python, Excel, SQL, and data visualisation tools like Tableau. Build a diverse portfolio of projects showcasing your data cleaning, analysis, and visualisation skills. Seek internships or volunteer roles to gain practical experience and industry exposure.

Is it possible to become a Data Analyst with no experience?

Aspiring Data Analysts can start by learning essential tools and technologies through online courses and certifications. They can then develop strong analytical and problem-solving skills to interpret data effectively. They can also engage in personal projects and hackathons to demonstrate their practical abilities to potential employers.

What entry-level Data Analyst jobs can I apply for without a degree?

Entry-level Data Analyst roles are available in finance, marketing, and technology industries, focusing on practical skills and certifications rather than formal education. Look for positions like junior Data Analyst, data entry analyst, or analytics assistant, emphasising hands-on experience and analytical abilities.


In conclusion, becoming a Data Analyst as a fresher may seem like a daunting task. However, it is achievable with the right skills and approach. In this blog post, we have covered the key points to consider when pursuing a career in Data Analysis. 

These include understanding the field and acquiring the necessary skills and tools. Additionally, they include building a solid educational foundation, creating a portfolio, and applying for jobs.


  • Neha Singh

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    I’m a full-time freelance writer and editor who enjoys wordsmithing. The 8 years long journey as a content writer and editor has made me relaize the significance and power of choosing the right words. Prior to my writing journey, I was a trainer and human resource manager. WIth more than a decade long professional journey, I find myself more powerful as a wordsmith. As an avid writer, everything around me inspires me and pushes me to string words and ideas to create unique content; and when I’m not writing and editing, I enjoy experimenting with my culinary skills, reading, gardening, and spending time with my adorable little mutt Neel.