LinkedIn Data Scientist Salary Trend – Pickl.AI

LinkedIn Data Scientist Salary

Today we are going to take a look at the LinkedIn Data Scientist Salary and find out what someone in this role can make if they work at a company that has offices in multiple countries. In order to find this information, we had to consult a number of different sources.

LinkedIn is one of the leading professional networks on the internet and it has more than 300 million members. It is a great place to find new job opportunities and connect with colleagues. The site also features a number of tools that can be used to help with your job-hunting efforts. Data Science is one of the tools that LinkedIn provides and it can be used to perform a variety of tasks. A LinkedIn Data Scientist is a professional who is skilled in working with different types of data and using that data to improve the performance of various programs. 

LinkedIn Average Data Scientist Salary

According to a survey conducted by, the average salary of a LinkedIn Data Scientist in 2017 was $135,000 a year. In India, this increased to just over $145,000 per year while in the United Kingdom it fell to around $125,000 per year. These figures were based on salaries for LinkedIn Data Scientists working at companies that had offices in a number of different countries and in a wide range of different industries. 

Data Scientists in India are generally paid less than their counterparts in other countries but this is mainly because of the standard of living in that country. The cost of living in India is significantly lower than in most other countries and it is very common for people there to have very little disposable income each month. As a result, many businesses prefer to hire Data Scientists from countries that have a higher standard of living and they pay higher wages as a result.

Comparison to Other LinkedIn Data Science Jobs in the World

In the US, the average data scientist’s salary is $145,000; in Spain, it is approximately $118,000; and in Germany, it is about $109,000. As you can see, these salary levels vary significantly from country to country and they can also vary considerably within one country depending on factors such as the cost of living in a particular area. In the case of the US, the salary levels vary based on location as well. Cities like Seattle, Boston, and New York tend to have higher salaries than other areas due to the size of the job market and the availability of jobs in these cities. This is significantly higher than the average for all occupations in the country which was just $54,481 in the same year. 

We found that the median annual pay of a LinkedIn Data Scientist in France was about €93,000, which is significantly less than the average salary in the United States. On the other hand, we found that the median annual pay of a LinkedIn Data Scientist in the UK was around £50,000 per year, which is slightly lower than the average in the United States. This shows how the amount that someone can earn for this role can vary quite significantly depending on where they live in the world.

According to, the average salary of a LinkedIn Data Scientist in Australia was AU$95,489 per year in 2019. This is significantly lower than the average salary across all industries in the country which was AU$82,112 in the same year. That being said, this is still a fairly substantial amount of money and can help you live a comfortable lifestyle if you work for a reputable company.

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LinkedIn Senior Data Scientist Salary in India

LinkedIn Senior Data Scientist Salary in India is around Rs. 20 to 25 Lakhs per annum. The average salary for a LinkedIn Data Scientist in the US is about $144,000 per year, which puts them in the top 15% of all professions in the country in terms of annual income. In contrast, the typical annual salary for someone in India is about $4,500 per year, which means that they fall into the low-income bracket.

LinkedIn Data Analyst Salary in India

Salary of a Data Analyst in India is around Rs. 10 lakhs to 30 lakhs per annum. As per LinkedIn, Data Analyst’s Salary in India is Rs. 3.5 Lakhs to 8 Lakhs per annum.

This is a significant sum of money and if you are a senior data analyst with a good level of experience then you can earn even more. The US average salary for a data analyst is $107,040 per year. In India, it is around $2,600 per year. As you can see, there is a huge difference in the amount of money that you earn based on where you work in the world.

LinkedIn Data Engineer Salary in India

India LinkedIn Data Engineer Salary is around Rs. 6 lakhs to 18 lakhs per annum. Average LinkedIn Data Engineer Salary in India is Rs. 6 Lakhs. LinkedIn Data Engineer Salary in the US is around $114,000.

As you can see, the earning potential of a data engineer can vary quite a bit depending on where you work in the world. In India, a Data Engineer at LinkedIn can expect to earn $6,800 per year which is significantly less than what someone earns for the same job in the US.

Typical Experience Levels: 0 – 1 year: A minimum average starting salary for an entry-level position is $60,000 – $70,000.

LinkedIn Data Scientist Interview

One of the factors that play a big part in how much a person can earn in this field is their level of experience. The higher your experience, the higher your earning potential will be. Linkedin has a wide range of opportunities for people who would like to have a career in data science. Interviews of Data Scientists at LinkedIn are very rigorous and challenging and a successful candidate should be able to present a solid case as to how they will add value to the company’s operations.


The basic objective of an Interviewing Manager is to get an insight into the candidate’s competencies and other behavioral traits such as leadership quality, interpersonal skills, etc. An interview process also enables a company to assess the skills and potential of the candidate for future job roles as well. Therefore, it is important that a candidate takes adequate time to prepare for the interview and present themselves in the best possible manner. 

The following tips will help candidates successfully ace an interview for the role of data scientist at LinkedIn:

  • Define your aims in the Data Science space. Are you trying to get into a field where the pay is low and the competition is high? Or are you looking to get into this field in order to make a quick buck and become wealthy quickly? Your aim should be to find a job that is both challenging and exciting at the same time, and one which provides you with a good work environment.
  • Know your skill, knowledge, and experience levels in detail and tailor your CV accordingly to highlight your suitability for the job role. If your resume contains spelling errors or grammatical mistakes, you will most likely not get hired for the job.
  • Ability to identify and correct faults within the database systems and programming code prior to them being launched into the live environment.
  • The ability to devise strategies to detect and identify fraudulent activities in the system and prevent them from happening in the future.
  • The ability to find solutions to technical problems based on the requirements outlined in the design documents.
  • To be able to apply knowledge of data processing techniques, statistical analysis tools, and programming languages to analyze large volumes of data and help solve problems for the business.

Best LinkedIn Summary for Data Scientists

To excel in technical roles, you need to have a clear and concise resume that showcases your expertise in the field as well as your passion and excitement for the role you are applying for. Here are some things to keep in mind when preparing your summary for a role as a data scientist at LinkedIn:

Professional Experience:

Provide a brief description of the roles you have held in the past including the names of companies that you have worked for and the dates that you were employed.

  • The skills and experiences that you have gained while employed at these companies and how they relate to the job role that you are applying for.
  • Any additional skills that you might have that are relevant to the role you are applying for such as project management skills or experience with certain software.
  • Show how your experiences have prepared you to take on the role of a data scientist at LinkedIn. Focus on skills that you have developed that will help make you a successful candidate such as Data Analysis Tools Skills and SQL experience.

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Mention your qualifications and any courses that you have completed that are relevant to the role you are applying for. Include the name of the institution where you studied as well as the year in which you completed your courses.

  • Mention any training courses that you have taken that will help you carry out your job duties effectively such as machine learning and data science courses. • List any relevant qualifications that you possess such as a bachelor’s degree in information technology or a master’s degree in computer science.
  • Focus on the skills that you gained from your education that will help make you an effective candidate such as computer programming skills or knowledge of SQL.


In this section provide details of the technical skills that you have acquired including programming languages that you know and any specialized skills that are unique to the job role you are applying for.

  • If you are applying for a role as an entry-level data scientist, highlight your knowledge of the Python programming language and demonstrate an understanding of the different concepts related to Big Data.

Final Thoughts!

Concluding the post, reiterate your skills and why you will be a great asset to the organization as a data scientist. Your aim is to show that you are able to work in a team environment and that the organization’s culture is conducive to success. Your salary as a data scientist would be based on the level of experience you have in this field as well as the amount of knowledge that you possess regarding the subject matter.


  • Asmita Kar

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    I am a Senior Content Writer working with Pickl.AI. I am a passionate writer, an ardent learner and a dedicated individual. With around 3years of experience in writing, I have developed the knack of using words with a creative flow. Writing motivates me to conduct research and inspires me to intertwine words that are able to lure my audience in reading my work. My biggest motivation in life is my mother who constantly pushes me to do better in life. Apart from writing, Indian Mythology is my area of passion about which I am constantly on the path of learning more.