Data Analytics for Beginners

How to learn Data Analytics for Beginners?

Summary: Cracking the world of Data Analysis? This structured guide unveils a roadmap to success. Learn essential maths, programming languages, data wrangling, and visualisation tools. Gain practical experience and stay updated to become a future data rockstar!


The modern world is driven by technology. It plays a pivotal role in defining the strategies that can give companies a competitive edge. And Data Analytics is touted to be a game changer in this domain.

It can help the companies analyse the data, derive insights, and, based on it, formulate strategies that can help enhance productivity and gain more market share. Hence this has also triggered the demand for Data Analytics experts.

So, if you are a beginner looking for the right way to start your career in this field, this blog will unfold some of the key tips and skills you need to acquire.

Why Switching to Data Analytics is the Right Career Move?

There are plenty of contributing factors that make Data Analytics a lucrative career opportunity. Here are some of them:

Rising Demand for Data Analysts

There will be a roaring demand for Data Analysts in the coming years. As per the US Bureau of Labour Statistics, the demand for Data  Analytics jobs is expected to rise by 23% between 2021 to 2031. Hence it opens up new avenues of job opportunities for data specialists.

Good pay

Another important factor that makes switching to Data Analytics a lucrative career opportunity is an enticing pay scale. Here is a look at the various data job profiles along with the salary:

  • Junior Data Analyst: ₹4,20,000 per year per
  • Data Analyst:  ₹6,62,500 per year
  • Data Analytics Consultant: ₹11,87,965 per year
  • Data Analytics Manager: ₹20,50,000 per year

Wider Application

Presently, Data Analysis finds applications across the industry spectrum. Irrespective of the business niche, the Data Analysis techniques can be useful in defining strategies that can eventually help the business grow. Hence this will further trigger the demand for qualified Data Analysts.

Skills Required to Become A Data AnalystSkills required for Data Analytics for Beginners

To become a Data Analyst, an individual needs to master certain skill sets. There are several Data Analyst course providers where you can begin your learning journey. However, as a part of this, you should acquire the right skill set. These are highlighted below:

Technical Expertise: Demystifying the Data

Data Analysts don’t just pull insights from thin air! This section dives into the technical expertise needed to unlock the secrets hidden within data. We’ll explore essential tools like SQL, Python, and data visualisation languages, equipping you to wrangle, analyse, and transform data into a clear and compelling story.

Programming Languages

SQL sits at the foundation. It’s the essential language for querying and retrieving data from relational databases, acting as the gateway to the treasure trove of information.

Beyond SQL, languages like Python and R are your workhorses for data manipulation, analysis, and wrangling. Python’s versatility makes it a popular choice, offering extensive libraries for Data Science tasks, while R boasts a strong focus on statistical computing.

Data Visualization

Data can be a labyrinth of numbers, but data visualisation empowers you to transform it into a clear and compelling story. Tools like Tableau, Power BI, or even Excel will equip you to create informative charts, graphs, and dashboards that communicate insights effectively to both technical and non-technical audiences.

Statistical Analysis

Numbers hold the key to uncovering patterns and trends. A solid understanding of statistical concepts like hypothesis testing, correlation analysis, and regression analysis is essential. This knowledge allows you to draw meaningful conclusions from data, assess its significance, and identify potential relationships between variables.

Data Wrangling and Cleaning

The reality of data is that it’s rarely pristine. Data wrangling skills empower you to address this challenge. You’ll learn to clean, transform, and prepare data for analysis, ensuring its accuracy and usability. This might involve handling missing values, correcting inconsistencies, and transforming data into formats suitable for analysis.

Soft Skills: The Art of Communication and Collaboration

Data Analysis isn’t all about crunching numbers. While technical skills are crucial, success hinges on effective communication and collaboration. This section delves into the essential soft skills you’ll need to translate complex data insights into clear and actionable stories, fostering teamwork and driving data-driven decision making across all levels.


Data Analysis thrives on collaboration. The ability to explain complex data concepts clearly and concisely, both verbally and in writing, is crucial. You’ll need to tailor your communication style to your audience, ensuring that technical stakeholders understand the intricacies of your analysis, while effectively presenting insights to non-technical audiences.

Critical Thinking

Data can be a double-edged sword. While it holds immense potential, it can also be misleading if not approached with a critical eye. Strong critical thinking skills allow you to analyse data objectively, identify potential biases, and avoid jumping to conclusions. You’ll learn to question assumptions, evaluate evidence, and identify the limitations of your data.


Data analysts are the detectives of the data world. Problem-solving skills are essential for identifying business problems that can be addressed through Data Analysis. You’ll need to formulate research questions, design effective data collection strategies, and leverage your analytical toolkit to find solutions hidden within the data.

Curiosity and a Passion for Learning

The Data Science landscape is a constantly evolving ecosystem. A thirst for knowledge and a willingness to learn new skills are essential traits for a successful data analyst. Staying curious about new technologies, trends, and best practices will ensure you remain at the forefront of this dynamic field.

By mastering this comprehensive skill set, you’ll be well-positioned to embark on a rewarding career as a data analyst, where you can play a pivotal role in transforming data into insights that fuel innovation and success.

While soft and hard skills cannot be compared in the same line, developing soft skills adds to the personality trait, which eventually helps sustain the organisational set-up in the long run. Hence, when searching for a course on Data Analytics for Beginners look for a program that offers a holistic learning experience.

How do I Become a Data Analyst?

Any individual who aspires to become a Data Analyst needs to master technical and non-technical skills. And an e-learning platform can play a significant role in this. Online courses are gaining pace because of the convenience factor.

Moreover, there are several course providers that also offer job guarantees post the completion of the course. Hence one should look for an effective learning module that offers all these benefits. 

A structured route to becoming a Data Analyst

The world of Data Analysis is booming, and with good reason. Data analysts unlock the power of information, translating raw data into actionable insights that drive informed decisions. If you are interested in this exciting field, here’s a structured route to equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge:


Brush up on your high school maths, focusing on statistics, probability, and linear algebra. These concepts form the bedrock of Data Analysis. Online courses and resources can help solidify your understanding.

Basics of Computer Science

Familiarity with computer science concepts like programming logic and data structures will be beneficial. Consider introductory courses or online tutorials on Python, a popular language in Data Science.

Master SQL

SQL is the gateway to databases, allowing you to retrieve and manipulate data. Enrol in online courses or utilise interactive platforms to practise writing SQL queries.

Learn Programming Languages

Python and R are the workhorses of Data Analysis. Python offers versatility and extensive libraries, while R excels in statistical computing. Start with online tutorials for beginner-friendly courses to grasp the fundamentals.

Data Visualization Tools

Learn how to transform data into compelling visuals. Explore tools like Tableau, Power BI, or even Excel to create informative charts, graphs, and dashboards that communicate insights effectively.

Statistics for Data Analysis

Take online courses or read introductory books on statistical analysis. Focus on concepts like hypothesis testing, correlation analysis, and regression modelling to understand data patterns and draw meaningful conclusions.

Personal Projects

Work on personal Data Analysis projects. Find datasets online and practise your newfound skills. This hands-on experience is invaluable for building your portfolio and showcasing your abilities.

Contribute to Open-Source Projects

Participating in open-source Data Science projects allows you to collaborate with others, learn from experienced practitioners, and contribute to real-world applications.


Seek data analyst internship opportunities. Internships provide valuable on-the-job experience, help you understand the practical aspects of the role, and strengthen your resume.

Stay Updated

The Data Science landscape is constantly evolving. Subscribe to industry blogs, attend webinars, and participate in online communities to stay updated on the latest trends and technologies.

Pursue Certifications

While not mandatory, data analyst certifications can validate your skills and enhance your resume. Consider certifications offered by platforms like Coursera or edX.

Remember: This roadmap is a guideline, and the pace of learning can vary depending on your background and commitment. With dedication, perseverance, and a passion for data, you can successfully navigate your journey towards becoming a data analyst and unlocking a rewarding career in the ever-evolving world of data.

Wrapping It Up !!!

This brief discussion on how one can start the learning journey in Data Analytics. Several platforms like Pickl.AI provide the best learning experience to individuals, especially beginners.

With their Data Analytics course for beginners, you can gain complete expertise in the concepts of Data Analysis, types of Data Analysis, and its applications. So, don’t delay your learning journey, and enrol in this program today.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Data Analyst?

A Data Analyst uses statistical and computational techniques to collect, clean, and analyse large datasets to extract meaningful insights that help in making informed business decisions.

What Skills Do I Need to Become a Data Analyst?

To become a professional Data Analyst, one must have a strong foundation in statistical and mathematical tools. Expertise in data cleaning, programming languages, data visualisation, and good communication skills are also significant.

What Tools Should I Learn to Become a Data Analyst?

If you are willing to become a Data Analyst, familiarity with tools like Python, SQL, and visualisation tools like Tableau is always helpful.


  • Rahul Kumar

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    I am Rahul Kumar final year student at NIT Jamshedpur currently working as Data Science Intern. I am dedicated individual with a knack of learning new things.

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