Data Wrangling

What Is Data Wrangling? Benefits, Tools, Examples and Skills

Summary: Data wrangling, the art of cleaning and shaping raw data, is crucial for data science. It ensures data quality, boosts efficiency, and unlocks hidden insights. This guide dives into the data wrangling process, its benefits, common tools, and the skills needed to become a data wrangling champion.


In today’s data-driven world, information is king. But raw data, much like uncharted territory, can be messy, inconsistent, and difficult to navigate. This is where data wranglers, the modern-day cartographers, step in.

What Is Data Wrangling?

Data Wrangling

Data wrangling, also known as munging or cleaning, is the process of transforming raw data into a usable format for analysis. It’s the unsung hero of the data science world, laying the groundwork for insightful visualisations, powerful machine learning models, and, ultimately, informed decision-making.

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Importance of Data Wrangling

Imagine trying to analyse a map with missing landmarks, inconsistent scales, and cryptic symbols. The same goes for unwrangled data. Here’s why it is crucial:

Data Quality

Ensures data is accurate, complete, and consistent, leading to reliable analysis. Inaccurate or incomplete data can lead to misleading conclusions and poor decision-making. Wrangling helps identify and rectify errors, fill in missing values, and ensure consistency across the dataset.


Saves time by preparing data for seamless analysis, avoiding frustrating roadblocks later. Wrangling upfront can significantly reduce the time spent troubleshooting quality issues during analysis. Clean and well-structured data can be easily imported into analytics tools and manipulated for further exploration.

Actionable Insights

Enables the extraction of meaningful trends and patterns for informed decision-making. Data wrangling helps uncover hidden gems within the data. By removing noise and inconsistencies, wrangling allows analysts to focus on extracting clear and actionable insights that can guide business strategies and decision-making processes.

Data Wrangling Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

Data Wrangling

It is a multi-stage journey, not a one-time fix. The process is iterative, requiring revisiting and refining as needed. Here’s a breakdown of the typical wrangling workflow:

Data Acquisition

Gathering data from various sources. This may involve extracting data from databases, pulling information through APIs, or scraping data from websites. Data wranglers need to understand the origin of the data and potential biases that might be introduced during collection.

Data Inspection

Understanding the data structure, format, and identifying inconsistencies. This involves getting familiar with the data’s layout and data types used for each variable and spotting any errors or missing values. Data wranglers use data profiling techniques to summarise the data’s characteristics and identify potential issues.

Data Cleaning

Fixing errors and inconsistencies. This is where the magic happens. Data wranglers address issues like typos in text data, missing entries in numerical columns, and inconsistencies in date formats. Techniques like imputation (filling in missing values) and data normalisation (scaling data to a common range) are often employed during this stage.

Data Transformation

Reshaping data into a desired format for analysis. Data wrangling goes beyond just cleaning. It also involves transforming the data into a structure that facilitates analysis. This may involve merging multiple datasets, creating new variables based on existing ones, or pivoting the data for specific visualisation techniques.

Data Validation

Verifying the cleaned and transformed data meets analysis requirements. After applying transformations, data wranglers need to ensure the data adheres to the analytical goals. This involves checking for data quality improvements and identifying any new inconsistencies introduced during the wrangling process.

Data Documentation

Documenting the wrangling process for future reference and reproducibility. Data wrangling can be a complex process with multiple steps. Proper documentation ensures clarity and allows others to understand the transformations applied and the rationale behind them. This is crucial for maintaining data integrity and facilitating future analysis.</span>

Data Wrangling vs. Data Cleaning

Data cleaning is a subset of data wrangling, but it’s an essential one. Data cleaning focuses specifically on fixing errors and inconsistencies within a dataset. It’s akin to scrubbing a dirty map to remove smudges and markings that hinder readability.

The broader scope of data wrangling encompasses not only data cleaning activities but also data transformation and restructuring to suit the needs of the analysis. Think of data wrangling as the entire map-making process, where data cleaning is just one crucial step in preparing an accurate and informative map.

Also Read: What is Data Scrubbing?

Benefits of Data Wrangling

This isn’t merely about tidying up your data; it’s about unlocking its true potential. By cleaning and organizing your data, you gain benefits like improved data quality, faster analysis, and deeper insights that lead to better decision-making. It’s the magic touch that transforms raw data into actionable gold!

Enhanced Efficiency

Streamlines analysis by providing clean and readily usable data. Wrangling upfront saves time and effort during the analysis stage. Data scientists and analysts can focus on extracting insights rather than wrestling with data quality issues.

Deeper Insights

Enables the discovery of hidden patterns and trends within the data. By removing noise and inconsistencies, it allows analysts to see the data clearly and uncover valuable insights that might be masked by poor data quality.

Better Decision-Making

Provides a solid foundation for informed business decisions. Clean and reliable data leads to more accurate analysis and, ultimately, better decision-making. Data-driven insights derived from wrangled data can empower businesses to make strategic choices, optimise processes, and achieve their goals.

Data Wrangling Tools

Data wranglers have a diverse arsenal at their disposal. Popular choices include programming languages like Python (with pandas and NumPy), spreadsheets for smaller tasks, and data integration tools for ETL processes. Cloud platforms and specialised data wrangling services can handle massive datasets efficiently.

Programming Languages

Python (with libraries like Pandas and NumPy) and R are popular choices for wrangling due to their rich data manipulation capabilities.


While not ideal for large datasets, spreadsheets like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets can be helpful for wrangling smaller datasets or performing quick data exploration tasks.

Data Integration Tools

Tools like Informatica PowerCenter and Talend Open Studio facilitate data extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) processes, which are crucial aspects of dwrangling.

Cloud-Based Platforms

Cloud platforms like Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Amazon Web Services (AWS) offer data wrangling services that can handle large datasets efficiently.</span>

Data Wrangling Formats

Data wranglers don’t just clean data, they also reshape it for analysis. Dive into common formats like CSV, JSON, and Parquet, each with its strengths for storing and manipulating data in specific ways. It often involves transforming data into specific formats for analysis. Here are some common formats:

Comma-Separated Values (CSV)

A simple and widely used format where data is stored in plain text with each record on a new line and values separated by commas.

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)

A human-readable format that uses key-value pairs to represent data structures, making it ideal for storing semi-structured data.


A columnar storage format designed for efficient data analysis, particularly with large datasets. It stores data in columns rather than rows, allowing for faster retrieval of specific data points.

Data Wrangling Examples

Data Wrangling

This isn’t just theoretical! See how it tackles real-world scenarios. We’ll explore how wranglers clean website data for e-commerce analysis, untangle social media sentiment and tame financial records for market trend insights. Let’s delve into some real-world examples of data wrangling in action:

E-commerce Analysis

Wrangling website clickstream data may involve cleaning inconsistencies in product names, handling missing data points like customer location, and transforming the data into a format suitable for analysing customer behaviour and purchasing trends.

Social Media Sentiment Analysis

Cleaning social media data might involve removing irrelevant characters like emojis and hashtags, correcting typos, and categorising text data into positive, negative, or neutral sentiment for further analysis.

Financial Data Analysis

Wrangling financial data may involve correcting typos in stock symbols, handling missing data points like closing prices, and converting dates into a consistent format for analysing market trends and investment performance.

Data Wrangling vs. ETL

Data wrangling and ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) are often used interchangeably, but there are subtle differences. ETL focuses on automating the process of extracting data from various sources, transforming it into a target format, and loading it into a data warehouse for long-term storage and analysis.

Wrangling, on the other hand, is a broader concept that encompasses not only transformation but also data cleaning, exploration, and validation, often done in a more iterative and exploratory manner. ETL is typically used in large-scale data warehousing projects, while data wrangling can be applied to smaller datasets and for more ad-hoc analysis needs.

Top Data Wrangling Skills Required

Equipping yourself with the right tools is just one piece of the puzzle. To truly wrangle data like a pro, sharpen your programming chops (Python or R are popular choices), data analysis skills, and problem-solving abilities. A meticulous eye for detail and clear communication round out the skillset for data wrangling mastery.

Programming Skills

Familiarity with Python, R, or other programming languages is essential for manipulating and transforming data.

Data Analysis Skills

Understanding statistical concepts and data analysis techniques helps you identify and address data quality issues effectively.

Problem-Solving Skills

Data wrangling often involves unexpected challenges. Strong problem-solving skills are crucial for navigating these hurdles and finding creative solutions.

Communication Skills

Being able to document the data wrangling process and communicate insights to stakeholders is essential.


Data wrangling, though often unseen, is the unsung hero of data science. It lays the foundation for reliable analysis, empowers data-driven decision-making, and ultimately unlocks the true potential of data.

Whether you’re a seasoned data scientist or just starting your data journey, mastering data wrangling skills will equip you to transform raw data into actionable insights and navigate the ever-evolving world of data effectively. So, grab your tools, hone your skills, and embrace the challenge of taming the wild west of data!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Data Wrangling Difficult?

It can be challenging, especially for large and complex datasets. However, with the right tools, skills, and a systematic approach, it can be mastered.

How Long Does Data Wrangling Take?

The time spent on data wrangling varies depending on the size and complexity of the dataset. For smaller datasets, it might take a few hours, while large-scale projects can involve weeks or even months of wrangling.

What is a Data Wrangler’s Salary?

Data wrangler salaries can vary based on experience, location, and industry. According to Indeed, the average salary for a data wrangler in the US is around $78,000 per year.


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