ChatGPT for Data Science

Unlock Useful Data Insights Using ChatGPT for Data Science Tasks

Summary: ChatGPT enhances Data Science tasks by generating code, cleaning data, and supporting Machine Learning. Its extensions for Chrome, Firefox, Telegram, WhatsApp, and Google Docs make it accessible anywhere, boosting efficiency and productivity.


ChatGPT is an open-source Artificial Intelligence tool by OpenAI that works as a language Chatbot. You can interact in any language, ask the Chatbot questions, and receive answers in seconds.

ChatGPT responds conversationally and talks about everything it knows. It is used in several fields, from social media to boosting daily work. 

Data Scientists and Data Analysts have been using ChatGPT for Data Science to generate codes and answers rapidly. In the following blog, let’s look at how ChatGPT changes human function. 

5 ChatGPT Features to Boost Your Daily Work 

ChatGPT has completely changed the course of coding and provided immense help in developing code. However, many are not yet using ChatGPT vigorously to improve and ease their work. Hence, here are 5 ChatGPT features to boost your daily work.

Generate Coding Skeleton

ChatGPT can be used to build new projects from its roots. All you need to do is provide the tool with some prompts for the code, and it will give you a skeleton of the code. You would complete the entire process by inducing technologies, frameworks and versions. Thus, you can save enough time to work on your project effectively.  

ChatGPT can be used to generate coding skeletons in many ways. Below are some of the uses.

  • Code generation: ChatGPT can generate code based on a set of input parameters, such as the desired programming language, framework, and desired functionality. For instance, a code generation platform can use ChatGPT to generate the basic structure of a web application, including the database, front-end, and back-end components.
  • Code templates: using ChatGPT, you can generate code templates, such as code outlines, functions, and classes. For example, a Python development platform can use ChatGPT to develop a basic template for a new module, including the required imports and other requirements.
  • Debugging assistance: ChatGPT can help identify and fix errors in code by analysing the syntax and logic. It can significantly reduce the time spent on debugging and improve the overall quality of the code.
  • Learning aid: ChatGPT can serve as an educational tool, providing explanations and examples to help users understand coding concepts and best practices. It can be beneficial for beginners just starting to learn programming.
  • Code documentation: ChatGPT can assist in generating code documentation, making it easier for developers to understand and maintain their projects. It includes creating comments, README files, and usage instructions.

Therefore, ChatGPT can improve the code generation process by making it more efficient and user-friendly and reducing the time and effort needed to write and maintain the code.

Read More: How to Use ChatGPT APIs in Python: A Comprehensive Guide.

Data Manipulation

Data manipulation is the process of changing data according to your project requirements for further analysis. The entire process involves cleaning, Merging, and changing the data format. 

This data can help in building the project pipeline. For instance, if you are building a data pipeline, you must make a remarkable transformation specific to your project requirements. Several ways can be used to use ChatGPT in data manipulation. Let’s examine some of them with real examples.

  • Data cleaning: ChatGPT can automatically clean and pre-process data, such as removing duplicates, correcting errors, and standardising formatting. For example, a data analysis platform can use ChatGPT to clean a large dataset of customer information, preparing it for further analysis.
  • Data augmentation: ChatGPT can generate new data based on existing data. For example, a Machine Learning platform can use ChatGPT to create synthetic data to train models, increasing the size and diversity of the training data.
  • Data Integration: ChatGPT can assist in merging datasets from various sources, ensuring consistency and compatibility. For example, a business intelligence tool can leverage ChatGPT to integrate sales and marketing data for comprehensive analysis.
  • Data Transformation: ChatGPT can automate the conversion of data formats and structures. For instance, it can transform raw survey data into a standardised format suitable for statistical analysis, saving time and reducing errors.
  • Data Validation: ChatGPT can verify the accuracy and integrity of data. For example, it can cross-check customer records across multiple databases, identifying discrepancies and ensuring data reliability before analysis.

ChatGPT can enhance data manipulation activities by making them more efficient and precise, thus minimising the required time and effort for data preparation and analysis.

Data Visualisation

Data Visualisation

Data visualisation transforms complex data sets into graphical representations, making understanding patterns, trends, and insights easier. Using charts, graphs, and maps enhances data comprehension, supports decision-making, and communicates information clearly, effectively bridging the gap between raw data and actionable insights. There are multiple ways in which ChatGPT can be helpful in data visualisation:

  • Data storytelling: ChatGPT can be integrated into data visualisation tools to generate narrative explanations of data insights. For example, a business intelligence platform can automatically use ChatGPT to generate reports describing key data trends and patterns.
  • Text generation: ChatGPT can generate descriptive text for visualisations, such as chart titles, captions, and axis labels. For example, data visualisation tools can use ChatGPT to automatically generate labels for a bar chart describing the categories and values.
  • Data Labeling: ChatGPT can automatically label data points in visualisations, enhancing clarity and comprehension. For example, it accurately identifies and annotates each data point in bar charts, scatter plots, and line graphs, facilitating more accessible analysis and interpretation.
  • Anomaly Detection: ChatGPT can identify and flag outliers or anomalies in data visualisations. It can spot sudden spikes or dips in time-series data, helping users quickly recognise significant deviations and potential issues that require further investigation.
  • Narrative Generation: ChatGPT can generate insightful narratives from data visualisations. It can summarise trends and patterns, coherently explaining the visual data. It makes complex data more accessible, enabling better decision-making and communication of findings.

Hence, ChatGPT can help make data visualisations more accessible, interpretable, and engaging by adding context and information.

Machine Learning 

Machine Learning is a subset of artificial intelligence where systems learn from data to improve performance without explicit programming. It encompasses algorithms and models that identify patterns and make predictions or decisions. You will learn how ChatGPT is used in Machine Learning by reading the information given below: 

  • Text generation for chatbots: ChatGPT can be integrated into chatbots to generate human-like responses to user inquiries. For example, a customer service chatbot can use ChatGPT to answer customer questions about a product. The Chatbot can be trained on a large corpus of customer support data, allowing it to generate relevant and accurate responses.
  • Fine-tuning: The pre-trained ChatGPT model has fine-tuning for specific tasks and domains, such as sentiment analysis, product classification, or customer support, by training it on smaller, task-specific datasets. 
  • Customer Support: ChatGPT enhances customer support by providing instant, accurate responses, handling routine inquiries, and offering 24/7 assistance, which improves customer satisfaction and reduces the workload for human agents.
  • Sentiment Analysis: ChatGPT aids sentiment analysis by interpreting and categorising emotions in text data. This enables businesses to understand customer feedback, monitor brand reputation, and make data-driven decisions for improved services.
  • Text Generation: ChatGPT excels in text generation, creating coherent and contextually relevant content for various applications, including content creation, automated report writing, and creative writing, thus saving time and effort.

Explaining the Code

Coding is the process of creating instructions for computers using programming languages. It’s essential in developing software, apps, and websites, enabling technology to perform specific tasks. Learning to code enhances problem-solving skills and opens up numerous career opportunities in the tech industry. The use of ChatGPT to explain code in various ways is as follows:

  • Code summarisation: ChatGPT can summarise a piece of code’s functionality, making it easier for humans to understand and interpret. It helps quickly grasp the purpose of complex code segments without diving into detailed analysis, facilitating better collaboration and quicker onboarding of new developers.
  • Documentation of Coding: ChatGPT can generate code documentation, including inline comments, function or class descriptions, and API documentation. It ensures that the code is well-documented, enhancing readability and maintainability. Comprehensive documentation also helps future developers understand the code’s purpose and functionality with minimal effort.
  • Code completion: ChatGPT can be integrated into code editors to provide suggestions for code completion based on previous examples and patterns in code. This feature speeds up coding by reducing keystrokes and helps prevent syntax errors, making the development process more efficient and streamlined.
  • Error explanation: ChatGPT can explain error messages generated by code, providing developers with a clear and concise explanation of the issue and suggestions for fixing it. This guidance helps in faster troubleshooting, reducing downtime, and improving the overall efficiency of the development process.
  • Code optimisation: ChatGPT can analyse code for potential inefficiencies and suggest optimisations. This includes identifying redundant operations, proposing more efficient algorithms, and recommending best practices. By leveraging these insights, developers can enhance the performance and scalability of their applications, leading to better user experiences.

Hence, ChatGPT can help developers be more productive and efficient by providing explanations and guidance for code, improving its quality, and reducing the time spent on debugging and maintenance.

ChatGPT Mind Blowing Extensions to use Anywhere 

ChatGPT Mind Blowing Extensions to use Anywhere

Extensions are tools or add-ons that enhance the functionality of software or applications. They can range from simple features like ad blockers and grammar checkers to more complex utilities for developers and designers. 

Available for browsers, IDEs, and other platforms, extensions help customise and improve user experience, making tasks more efficient and tailored to individual needs. Now, you will look at some fascinating ChatGPT extensions that you can use anywhere. 

Using ChatGPT as a Google Chrome Extension

ChatGPT has made people’s lives more manageable; you can use it anywhere. Did you know you can have a ChatGPT extension for Google Chrome? You can now write tweets, check emails and even find code bugs using the ChatGPT Google Chrome Extension.

Combining with Search Engines

Furthermore, ChatGPT integrates with your usual search engine, which would help you get direct answers without using your interface. You can obtain responses from the AI tool by using the ChatGPT Google Chrome Extension and adding it even to your Firefox extension.

Using Voice Commands with ChatGPT

Nowadays, more and more people are using voice assistants to ask questions and fulfil needs. Alexa or Siri helps you command queries and needs. Significantly, an extension of the AI tool allows you to talk directly to ChatGPT using your Google Chrome. 

This would help you use the AI tool without having to induce the prompts manually and only use your voice to form prompts and commands to get your desired results.

Integrating with Telegram and WhatsApp

ChatGPT can now integrate with Telegram and Whatsapp, allowing you to communicate through the app and ask the AI tool different questions based on your needs. Accordingly, you need to follow a particular step to do this. Let’s look at the steps immediately: 

  • Install Python and Miniconda.
  • Create a Conda Environment
  • Install Playwright
  • Step up your Telegram Bot
  • Set up your API Keys
  • Run the Server
  • Chat with your Bot on Telegram

Integrate ChatGPT with Google Docs or MS Word

ChatGPT can even have extension or integration capabilities for Google Docs or Microsoft Word. You can install ChatGPT within your computer system and integrate it with Google Docs or MS Word. This would allow you to use the prompts in your G-Docs or Word file directly through ChatGPT, which can provide answers to your needs.

Save Everything in ChatGPT

Use ChatGPT to learn about a course, understand a mathematical concept, or write an essay. However, save the conversation with ChatGPT, ensuring it contains essential information. ChatGPT effectively helps you save all your conversations as PDF, PNG, or even an HTML Link using Chrome, Firefox, or Edge extensions.

Twitter ChatGPT Accounts

You should discuss questions with OpenAI regarding its tool ChatGPT through your Twitter account. However, the surprising fact is that ChatGPT has its own Twitter account as an additional feature of the AI tool. Accordingly, you can ask ChatGPT questions by mentioning them on Twitter, and the AI bot will answer itself rather than through the OpenAI webpage.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can ChatGPT assist with Data Science tasks?

ChatGPT assists Data Scientists by generating code, cleaning and manipulating data, and providing Machine Learning support. It simplifies complex tasks, boosts productivity, and saves time. It can generate code templates, assist with debugging, and even offer data visualisation insights, making Data Science workflows more efficient.

What are some ChatGPT extensions that are easier to use? 

ChatGPT offers extensions for Google Chrome and Firefox, allowing users to generate code, write emails, and find bugs directly from their browser. Integrations with Telegram, WhatsApp, Google Docs, and MS Word enable seamless communication and document editing, making ChatGPT easily accessible across various platforms.

How does ChatGPT improve coding efficiency?

ChatGPT improves coding efficiency by generating skeleton code based on prompts, assisting debugging by identifying and fixing errors and providing code documentation. It explains complex code segments, offers optimisation suggestions, and integrates with code editors for real-time code completion, reducing development time and enhancing productivity.

Parting Thoughts 

At the end of this blog, you will realise that ChatGPT can help humans become more productive. It can save time by providing you with answers quickly. Moreover, you can even create high-quality output for your Data Science projects. 

Many of you might fear that an AI tool as powerful as ChatGPT might threaten jobs. You need to know that ChatGPT, an AI tool, is an asset for every Data Scientist. It allows them to enhance their code quality and save time. 

However, human intervention in using an AI tool is essential. Humans can be more creative in their ideas than machines. Effective collaboration between humans and ChatGPT will enable you to achieve positive results. 

Embark on your journey into Data Science with Pickl.AI’s premier online Data Science course! Gain invaluable insights and skills to excel in this dynamic field. Our ML 101 – Introduction to Machine Learning course is your gateway to mastering core concepts, from Exploratory Data Analysis to Feature Engineering. 

With four comprehensive modules and 20 engaging lessons, you’ll develop a solid foundation in Python, statistics, and Machine Learning essentials. Don’t miss this opportunity to level your expertise with Pickl.AI, the trusted platform offering top-notch resources and tools. Enrol now and unleash your potential in Data Science!


  • Karan Thapar

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    Karan Thapar, a content writer, finds joy in immersing herself in nature, watching football, and keeping a journal. His passions extend to attending music festivals and diving into a good book. In his current exploration,He writes into the world of recent technological advancements, exploring their impact on the global landscape.