Bagging vs Boosting

Bagging vs Boosting in Machine Learning: All You Need To Know

Machine Learning is an evolving field. It has led to searching for developments that have transformed the industry. Among the different techniques used in Machine Learning, it also incorporates creating algorithms and models that can learn from the data, improvise and make decisions. Bagging and Boosting are other popular techniques used in Machine Learning. These are used to improve the models. In this blog, we will focus on bagging vs boosting in machine learning. 

Understanding Ensemble Learning: 

As the name suggests, simple learning is a technique which brings together different Machine Learning models to improve overall performance. Accumulating the predictions of different models and simple methods helps reduce the error, thereby enhancing the model’s accuracy. Bagging and Boosting or two of the most popular and simple learning methods. The neck segments take you through its key features and examples. 

Bagging: Bootstrap Aggregating:

Bagging, or bootstrap aggregating, is a technique where multiple subsets of the training data are created through random sampling with replacement. Each subset is used to train a separate model. After this, the averaging of all the predictions is done to draw the outcome. Random Forest is a popular algorithm that uses bagging. 

  • Random Forest: Random Forest is a machine-learning algorithm. It combines the power of bagging with decision trees. Moreover, it creates an ensemble of decision trees, where each tree is trained on a random subset of the data. The final prediction is made by aggregating the predictions of all trees. Random Forest is known for handling high-dimensional data and providing robust predictions.

Bagging Algorithm:

The bagging algorithm follows a simple process:

  1. Randomly sample the training data with replacement to create multiple subsets.
  2. Train a separate model on each subset.
  3. Aggregate the predictions of all models using averaging (for regression) or voting (for classification).
  4. Make the final prediction based on the aggregated results.

Boosting: Building Strong Learners

Boosting is an ensemble learning technique. It aims to create a strong learner by combining multiple weak learners. Unlike bagging, boosting trains models sequentially, where each subsequent model focuses on correcting the mistakes made by the previous models. Boosting algorithms assign higher weights to misclassified instances to ensure that subsequent models give more attention to those instances.

  • AdaBoost: AdaBoost, short for Adaptive Boosting, is a popular boosting algorithm. It assigns weights to each instance in the training data, where misclassified instances receive higher weights. The subsequent models focus more on these misclassified instances, thus improving the overall accuracy.
  • Gradient Boosting: Gradient Boosting is another widely used boosting algorithm. It builds models sequentially, with each model trying to minimize the errors made by the previous models. It uses gradient descent optimization to find the best parameters for each subsequent model, gradually improving the overall prediction accuracy.

Bagging vs Boosting in Machine Learning:

Although Bagging and Boosting are both ensemble learning techniques, there are some key differences between them:

  1. Training Approach:
    • Bagging: Models are trained independently on different subsets of the data.
    • Boosting: Models are trained sequentially, with each subsequent model focusing on the mistakes made by previous models.
  2. Model Independence:
    • Bagging: Models are independent of each other and can be trained in parallel.
    • Boosting: Models depend on each other, and training is done sequentially.
  3. Error Handling:
    • Bagging: Bagging reduces the variance of the model by averaging predictions from multiple models.
    • Boosting: Boosting reduces bias and variance by iteratively improving the predictions and focusing on misclassified instances.
  4. Sequential vs Parallel:
    • Bagging: Models can be trained in parallel, as they are independent.
    • Boosting: Models are trained sequentially, as each model depends on the previous ones.
  5. Prediction Process:
    • Bagging: Bagging combines predictions by averaging or voting.
    • Boosting: Boosting combines predictions by weighted voting, giving more importance to more accurate models.

Tabular Representation of Bagging vs Boosting in Machine Learning:

Bagging Boosting
Training Approach Models are trained independently on different subsets Models are trained sequentially, correcting mistakes
Model Independence Models are independent and can be trained in parallel Models are dependent on each other
Error Handling Reduces variance by averaging predictions Reduces bias and variance by iteratively improving
Sequential vs Parallel Models can be trained in parallel Models are trained sequentially
Prediction Process Combines predictions by averaging or voting Combines predictions by weighted voting

Advantages of Bagging:

  • Reduced variance and improved model stability.
  • Handles overfitting and high-dimensional data well.
  • It can be trained in parallel, saving computational time.

Disadvantages of Bagging:

  • This can lead to a decrease in interpretability due to multiple models.
  • It may not be effective if the base models are not diverse enough.

Advantages of Boosting:

  • It can improve the accuracy of weak models significantly.
  • Handles class imbalance well by assigning higher weights to misclassified instances.
  • Produces powerful predictive models.

Disadvantages of Boosting:

  • Susceptible to overfitting if the training data is noisy or contains outliers.
  • Training can be computationally expensive and time-consuming.

When to use Boosting?


  • Boosting is suitable when the primary goal is to improve the accuracy of weak models.
  • It is effective in situations where reducing bias and improving overall prediction accuracy are crucial.
  • Boosting works well for handling class imbalance by assigning higher weights to misclassified instances.
  • It is useful when the dataset contains noisy or outlier data points, as boosting can iteratively correct the mistakes made by previous models.

When to use Bagging?


  • Bagging is preferred when the main objective is to reduce variance and increase model stability.
  • It is effective for handling high-dimensional data and overfitting issues.
  • Bagging works well when interpretability is not a major concern, as it involves combining predictions from multiple models.
  • It is suitable for situations where the base models can be trained in parallel, thus saving computational time.

Overall, the choice between boosting and bagging depends on the problem’s specific requirements and the dataset’s characteristics. 

Example of bagging in Machine Learning using the Random Forest algorithm:

  • Problem: Classification of emails as spam or non-spam.
  • Dataset: A collection of emails labelled as spam or non-spam.
  • Bagging with Random Forest:
    1. Randomly sample subsets of the training data with replacement.
    2. Each subset contains a portion of the emails chosen randomly.
    3. Train a separate decision tree model on each subset of the data.
    4. Each decision tree is trained independently, using different subsets.
    5. The decision trees collectively form a Random Forest.
    6. To predict a new email:
      • Pass the email through each decision tree in the Random Forest.
      • Each decision tree provides its prediction (spam or non-spam).
      • Aggregate the predictions of all decision trees (e.g., by majority voting).
      • The final prediction is determined based on the aggregated results.

Advantages of Bagging with Random Forest:

  • Reduced variance and improved model stability.
  • Handling high-dimensional data effectively.
  • Robustness against overfitting.
  • Ability to handle both numerical and categorical features.
  • Usage: Bagging with Random Forest is widely used in various domains, including spam detection, medical diagnosis, and credit risk assessment.

Note: The above example illustrates how bagging is used in the context of the Random Forest algorithm. Bagging can also be applied to other base models, such as bagged decision trees or neural networks, where the same principles of creating subsets and aggregating predictions are followed. 

Example of boosting in Machine Learning using the AdaBoost algorithm

  • Problem: Classification of images as cat or dog.
  • Dataset: A collection of labelled images, each labelled as either cat or dog.
  • Boosting with AdaBoost:
    1. Assign equal weights to all training samples initially.
    2. Train a weak classifier, such as a decision stump, on the weighted data.
    3. Calculate the classifier’s error rate by comparing its predictions with the true labels.
    4. Increase the weights of misclassified samples, making them more important for subsequent models.
    5. Train a new weak classifier on the updated weighted data.
    6. Repeat steps 3-5 for a specified number of iterations (or until a desired level of accuracy is reached).
    7. Each weak classifier is assigned a weight based on its performance.
    8. The final prediction is made by combining the predictions of all weak classifiers, weighted by their performance.

Advantages of Boosting with AdaBoost:

  • It ensures accuracy by focusing on samples that are difficult to classify.
  • Effective handling of class imbalance.
  • Ability to create a strong classifier from multiple weak classifiers.
  • Adaptability to various Machine Learning tasks, including both classification and regression.
  • Usage: Boosting with AdaBoost is commonly used in computer vision tasks, such as object recognition, face detection, and image classification.

Note: The above example showcases boosting using the AdaBoost algorithm. Boosting can also be implemented with other algorithms like Gradient Boosting, XGBoost, or LightGBM. The fundamental idea remains the same: iteratively train models that focus on correcting the mistakes made by previous models, ultimately creating a strong ensemble mod


Bagging and Boosting are powerful ensemble learning techniques that aim to improve the performance of Machine Learning models. Bagging focuses on reducing variance and increasing stability while boosting aims to create a strong learner by iteratively correcting the mistakes of weak models. Understanding the differences between Bagging and Boosting can help data scientists choose the appropriate ensemble technique based on their specific requirements. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is the main purpose of Bagging and Boosting in Machine Learning?

Bagging reduces variance and improves the model stability. It  combines predictions from multiple models trained on different subsets of the data. 

Boosting focuses on building a strong learner by iteratively correcting the mistakes made by weak models. This ensures accuracy. 

Can Bagging and Boosting be used together?

Yes, we can combine Bagging and Boosting. This further enhances the performance of Machine Learning models. This technique is known as bagging with boosting. 

How does bagging handle overfitting in Machine Learning?

Bagging reduces overfitting by training multiple models on different subsets of the training data. It combines the predictions thus ensuring robust prediction. 

Is bagging suitable for handling high-dimensional data?

Yes, bagging can effectively handle high-dimensional data. By creating subsets of the training data, bagging allows the models to focus on different aspects of the feature space, leading to improved performance. 

How does boosting handle class imbalance in Machine Learning?

Boosting assigns higher weights to misclassified instances. It allows subsequent models to give more attention to those instances during training. This property makes boosting effective in handling class imbalance in the data. 

Which ensemble learning technique is better, bagging or boosting?

The choice between Bagging and Boosting depends on the specific problem and dataset. Bagging is a good choice when reducing variance is the primary objective. Contrary to this,  boosting is effective when reducing bias and improving accuracy are crucial. 

Are Bagging and Boosting computationally expensive?

Bagging can be parallelized, as the models are trained independently, which can save computational time. On the other hand, boosting involves training models sequentially, and each subsequent model depends on the previous ones, making it computationally more expensive. 

Can Bagging and Boosting improve the interpretability of Machine Learning models?

Since Bagging combines predictions from multiple models it can decrease the interpretability of models. Boosting, can improve interpretability to some extent as it focuses on correcting mistakes made by weak models, providing insights into important features. 

Can Bagging and Boosting be used for regression problems?

Yes, both Bagging and Boosting can be applied to regression problems. The underlying principles of creating ensembles of models and combining predictions remain the same, but the specific algorithms may differ. 

Are there any limitations or drawbacks to Bagging and Boosting? 

Bagging and Boosting can sometimes increase model complexity and computational requirements. Additionally, if the base models in the ensemble are not diverse enough, the performance improvement may be limited. It is important to choose the appropriate ensemble technique based on the specific characteristics of the problem and data.


  • Neha Singh

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    I’m a full-time freelance writer and editor who enjoys wordsmithing. The 8 years long journey as a content writer and editor has made me relaize the significance and power of choosing the right words. Prior to my writing journey, I was a trainer and human resource manager. WIth more than a decade long professional journey, I find myself more powerful as a wordsmith. As an avid writer, everything around me inspires me and pushes me to string words and ideas to create unique content; and when I’m not writing and editing, I enjoy experimenting with my culinary skills, reading, gardening, and spending time with my adorable little mutt Neel.