Algorithmic Bias and How to Avoid It- A Complete Guide

Summary: Addressing algorithmic bias requires diverse data collection, bias evaluation, and fairness-aware algorithms. Human oversight and ongoing monitoring are crucial for fostering fair AI systems and mitigating harmful biases.


Algorithmic bias, the unfair or discriminatory outcomes of Machine Learning models, poses significant social and ethical challenges. This blog, “Algorithmic Bias – What is It & How to Avoid It?” explores how bias occurs in Machine Learning Algorithms, highlights the harmful impacts of biased algorithms, and offers strategies to mitigate these biases. 

We’ll also address questions like “Does social media algorithm increase bias?” and “Which algorithms in Machine Learning are more biased?”. By understanding and addressing these issues, we can develop fairer, more transparent, and accountable AI systems, ensuring equitable treatment for all individuals.

What is Algorithmic Bias?

Algorithmic bias refers to unfair or discriminatory outcomes that algorithms or Machine Learning models produce due to biased data or design choices. These biases can lead to unequal treatment, favouritism, or harmful consequences for specific groups or individuals.

Algorithmic bias can occur in various fields, including finance, hiring processes, criminal justice, healthcare, etc. It is often unintentional but can have severe social and ethical implications.

Aspects of Algorithmic Biasalgorithmic bias

The critical aspects of algorithmic bias unveil the intricate layers through which biases infiltrate and persist within algorithmic frameworks. These dimensions are windows into the mechanisms by which biases originate and proliferate, illuminating the complex interplay between data, features, and design choices. Here are some critical aspects of algorithmic bias:

Data Bias

If historical data contains biased patterns or reflects human prejudices, algorithmic models can learn and perpetuate those biases through training. For example, if historical hiring data shows a preference for male candidates, a hiring algorithm trained on that data may unfairly favour male applicants.

Feature Bias

Feature Bias happens when the characteristics we use in a computer program make things unfair for some people. For example, using zip codes might be unfair because some areas have more people of one race or money level. It can make the results biased and unfair.

Prejudiced Training

Computers can sometimes be programmed to exhibit unfair behaviour. It occurs when individuals intentionally design algorithms with biased objectives or provide them with biased data. 

Such actions can lead to favouritism towards specific groups or ideas, resulting in discrimination. This practice undermines fairness and can perpetuate inequality, making it unethical and unjust.

Implicit Assumptions

Implicit assumptions in algorithm design and implementation can subtly influence outcomes, embedding biases that might not be immediately evident. These assumptions, often unintentional, shape how data is interpreted and processed. 

It potentially leads to skewed results. Over time, as users employ these algorithms and scrutinise their outputs, they may gradually uncover biases stemming from these hidden assumptions, requiring corrective measures to ensure fairness and accuracy.

Feedback Loops

Biased algorithms can create feedback loops that reinforce existing biases. For instance, a recommendation system might consistently show biased content, exposing users only to particular perspectives. 

This selective exposure can strengthen users’ preexisting beliefs, limiting their understanding of diverse viewpoints and perpetuating a cycle where the algorithm continuously amplifies the bias. 

As users engage more with similar content, the system interprets this as a preference, further narrowing the content diversity and reinforcing the initial bias. This phenomenon can lead to polarised communities and distorted perceptions of reality.

Transparency and Accountability

The need for more transparency in some algorithmic systems can make it challenging to identify and address biases. With clear insights into how algorithms function and make decisions, pinpointing the origins of biases becomes easier. 

Additionally, the complex nature of these systems often means that it is hard to assign responsibility for biased outcomes, as multiple stakeholders, including developers, Data Scientists, and organisations, may be involved in the creation and implementation of the algorithms. This lack of accountability can hinder correcting and preventing biases, perpetuating unfair and discriminatory practices.

To summarise, addressing algorithmic bias requires a multi-faceted approach, including diverse and representative data collection, careful feature selection, monitoring algorithmic outputs for bias, and developing fairness-aware Machine Learning models

Ethical considerations and human oversight are crucial to ensure that algorithms do not perpetuate discriminatory practices or harm marginalised groups. Policymakers, developers, and Data Scientists must collaborate to design fair, transparent, and accountable algorithms.

Read Further: How can Data Scientists use ChatGPT to develop Machine Learning Models?

Examples of Algorithmic Biasalgorithmic bias

Various contexts, such as criminal justice, employment, credit scoring, healthcare, online advertising, autonomous systems, Natural Language Processing, and loan approval, have observed algorithmic bias. 

These biases often arise from historical data reflecting societal disparities, leading to discriminatory outcomes against specific groups. Here are some examples of various contexts where observers have noticed algorithmic bias.

Criminal Justice System

Critics have condemned some predictive policing algorithms for perpetuating racial biases. Suppose law enforcement agencies train these algorithms on historical crime data reflecting biased policing practices. In that case, they may disproportionately target specific neighbourhoods or minority groups, leading to a self-reinforcing cycle of bias.

Employment and Hiring

AI-powered hiring platforms may inadvertently discriminate against certain groups. For instance, if historical hiring data shows a bias towards candidates from specific educational institutions or with particular keywords in their resumes, the algorithm may inadvertently favour candidates from those backgrounds, perpetuating existing disparities.

Credit Scoring

The algorithms used in credit scoring have demonstrated biases against minority groups. Socioeconomic disparities reflected in the data used in credit scoring models may cause some individuals to be denied credit or offered unfavourable terms based on factors beyond their control.

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Inadequate representation of specific racial or ethnic groups in the training data of an AI diagnostic tool may cause reduced accuracy, impacting patient care. This underrepresentation can lead to misdiagnoses or inadequate treatment recommendations, perpetuating health disparities and undermining trust in medical technologies.

Online Advertising

Online advertising, mainly through algorithmic platforms, can unintentionally target ads for jobs, housing, or opportunities to specific demographic groups. This targeting can inadvertently exclude other groups, potentially leading to violations of anti-discrimination laws. Such practices raise concerns about fairness and equality in digital marketing and the potential for reinforcing societal biases.

Autonomous Systems

Autonomous systems like self-driving cars rely heavily on object recognition algorithms to navigate and ensure safety. However, these systems can exhibit bias, particularly in identifying pedestrians or obstacles. 

This bias might stem from variations in skin colour, clothing style, or other demographic factors, potentially increasing the risk of accidents involving certain groups of people. To mitigate such biases and enhance overall safety and fairness, it’s crucial to ensure the training of these systems on diverse datasets.

Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms used for sentiment analysis often face challenges in accurately interpreting text from diverse cultural backgrounds or languages. 

These challenges arise because the algorithms may need to fully grasp cultural nuances, idiomatic expressions, or linguistic variations, leading to biased or incorrect results. Consequently, this can negatively impact automated content moderation and sentiment analysis, where understanding context is crucial.

Loan Approval

While aiming for efficiency, AI-driven loan approval systems might inadvertently perpetuate discrimination by using criteria linked to protected attributes like race or gender. This can lead to biased outcomes where certain groups are unfairly favoured or disadvantaged, highlighting the ethical challenges in algorithmic decision-making and the need for robust safeguards against such discrimination.

These examples highlight the importance of understanding and addressing algorithmic bias to ensure fair and equitable outcomes in various domains where AI and Machine Learning technologies are deployed. Efforts to mitigate algorithmic bias include

  • diverse and representative data collection,
  • fairness-aware model development, and
  • ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the algorithm’s outputs for bias.

More to Read for You:  A Guide to Unsupervised Machine Learning Models.  

Best Practices to Avoid Algorithmic Biasalgorithmic bias

Ensuring an intelligent and proactive development procedure is crucial to mitigate algorithmic bias. Implementing and regularly updating models are critical recommendations for reducing bias in algorithms. Here are some top suggestions for reducing algorithmic bias:

Collection of Diverse and Representative Data

It ensures that the data used to train algorithms is comprehensive and reflects the diversity of the population it aims to serve. By including data from various demographic groups and viewpoints, the algorithm is less likely to exhibit biases that favour particular groups.

Preprocessing and cleaning of the data: 

Before training the algorithm, it’s essential to thoroughly preprocess and clean the data to remove any biases or inaccuracies. This process may involve identifying and correcting imbalances in the dataset, ensuring that all groups are adequately represented, and accurately reflecting the real-world context.

Bias Evaluation

It’s crucial to evaluate the model and data continuously for biases throughout development. It involves analysing the algorithm’s performance across different subgroups to identify any disparities in outcomes. By regularly assessing for bias, developers can address issues as they arise and ensure fairness in the algorithm’s results.

Feature selection

When selecting features for the algorithm, developers must be cautious to exclude any characteristics that may introduce or perpetuate bias. Techniques such as adversarial debiasing or reweighting can mitigate prejudice and promote fairness in the model’s predictions.

Read More: 

Introduction to Feature Scaling in Machine Learning.

Feature Engineering in Machine Learning.

Fairness-aware Algorithm

Investigating fairness-aware Machine Learning Algorithms is essential for ensuring fairness considerations are incorporated into the model training and optimisation process. These algorithms consciously address fairness limitations and strive to minimise bias in their predictions.


Involve human specialists at all stages of the development process to give oversight, subject-matter expertise, and moral direction to guarantee that the algorithm’s outputs are consistent with human values and do not have adverse effects.


Try to make the algorithm’s decision-making process as transparent and understandable as possible. Users ought to be able to comprehend the rationale behind decisions, especially when those choices significantly impact their lives.

Audits and Monitoring

Regular audits and monitoring are necessary to identify and correct biases emerging as new data becomes available or usage patterns change. By continuously monitoring the algorithm’s performance and updating it as needed, developers can ensure that it remains fair and unbiased over time.


How Does Bias Occur In Machine Learning Algorithms?

When people write algorithms, they choose the data used by the algorithms and decide to apply the results to the algorithm. Without a diverse team of individuals and a lack of rigorous testing, subtlety can be easy to introduce, which requires AI to automate.

Does Social Media Algorithm Increase Bias?

Social media algorithms may be able to increase bias in different cases, and the more reach the platforms have, the more amplified these biases tend to be. For instance, during the Black Lives Matter movement, Facebook flagged or blocked the accounts of many activists. By doing so, it violated the policies and didn’t do enough to stop racist posts.

How Are Algorithmic Biases Harmful?

Algorithmic biases can be harmful in certain situations. For example, flaws in AI can perpetuate racial discrimination. Moreover, biased AI can associate first names with fraudulent accounts from other cultural backgrounds.

How Do We Avoid Bias In Writing Algorithms?

Several strategies can be employed to avoid bias in writing algorithms. These include proper and effective data collection, selecting the appropriate learning model, assessing real-life bias, preprocessing and cleaning data, and detecting Machine Learning bias. Each step is crucial in ensuring fair and accurate algorithmic outcomes.

Which Algorithms In Machine Learning Are More Biased?

In Machine Learning, linear algorithms exhibit the highest bias, facilitating quick learning for ML models. Simpler algorithms tend to yield more significant bias. This characteristic underscores a trade-off between simplicity and accuracy in model performance, emphasising the need to balance bias with other metrics to optimise learning outcomes effectively.


In conclusion, tackling algorithmic bias demands a concerted effort involving diverse data collection, vigilant model development, and ongoing monitoring. Implementing bias evaluation, fairness-aware algorithms, and human oversight can foster fairer and more accountable AI systems, mitigating harmful biases and promoting equitable outcomes.


  • Asmita Kar

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    I am a Senior Content Writer working with Pickl.AI. I am a passionate writer, an ardent learner and a dedicated individual. With around 3years of experience in writing, I have developed the knack of using words with a creative flow. Writing motivates me to conduct research and inspires me to intertwine words that are able to lure my audience in reading my work. My biggest motivation in life is my mother who constantly pushes me to do better in life. Apart from writing, Indian Mythology is my area of passion about which I am constantly on the path of learning more.

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