What is Hypothesis Testing in Statistics? Types and Steps

Summary: Hypothesis testing in statistics uses sample data to assess population assumptions, involving types and steps to guide informed decisions.


Hypothesis testing evaluates and tests a proposed hypothesis or claim about a population parameter against the evidence inferred from the sample data.

This article delves into the fundamental statistical hypothesis testing concept, covering its types and steps, defining the significance level and interpreting p-values. It also addresses common errors encountered in hypothesis testing, offering insights crucial for accurate statistical inference.

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What is Hypothesis testing?

Hypothesis testing, meaning the process of statistically evaluating assumptions about a population based on sample data, plays a pivotal role in scientific and statistical research. 

It involves making inferences about a population by assessing the probability of observed data assuming a true null hypothesis. This method is widely applied across various domains, such as business, healthcare, and engineering, to drive informed decision-making.

In practice, hypothesis testing begins with formulating a null hypothesis, typically stating no effect or no difference between groups, and an alternative hypothesis suggesting the presence of an impact or difference. 

Through rigorous statistical analysis, researchers gather evidence from sample data to either reject the null hypothesis in favour of the alternative or fail to reject it due to insufficient evidence. This process helps validate theories, understand relationships, and guide decisions based on empirical evidence rather than assumptions.

Hypothesis testing guides marketing strategies or product innovations in business, validates treatment efficacy in healthcare, and ensures product reliability in engineering. By providing a structured approach to concluding data, hypothesis testing is a cornerstone of evidence-based decision-making across diverse fields.

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Types of Hypothesis Testing

Understanding types of hypothesis testing is crucial for data analysis. It enables researchers to choose the right test to validate their hypotheses accurately. Significant types of hypothesis testing are:

Null Hypothesis (H0) and Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)

The null hypothesis states that there is no significant association between variables. It is to be tested; any observed difference is merely due to chance. The alternative hypothesis states that there is a difference or association between variables. If the null hypothesis is rejected and the observed difference is not due to chance, it is the accepting hypothesis.

Simple and Composite Hypothesis Testing

In hypothesis testing, null and alternative hypotheses can be simple and composite hypotheses. A simple hypothesis specifies a particular value for a population parameter. For example, the null hypothesis that the mean height of a population is 173 cm is a simple hypothesis. A composite hypothesis specifies a range of values for a population parameter. For example, the alternative hypothesis that the mean height of a population is not 173 cm is a composite hypothesis.

One-Tailed and Two-Tailed Hypothesis Testing

In hypothesis testing, alternative hypotheses can be one-tailed and two-tailed. The one-tailed alternative hypothesis specifies the direction of difference between variables. Here, the distribution of the test sample is one-sided, meaning it is either greater or lesser than a specific value. 

The two-tailed alternative hypothesis does not specify the direction of difference between variables. Here, the distribution of the test sample is two-sided, meaning it is checked to be greater or less than a range of values.

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Steps in Hypothesis Testing

Now, you will understand the steps in hypothesis testing and how it is crucial for data-driven decision-making. It allows one to systematically evaluate assumptions, analyse data, and draw reliable conclusions. Mastery of this process ensures rigorous testing of theories, minimising errors and biases and ultimately enhancing the credibility and validity of research findings.

Step 1: Stating the hypotheses

Clearly state the null and alternative hypotheses based on your research area. The null hypothesis represents the default assumption, while the alternative hypothesis reflects the desired outcome you aim to prove through your analysis and experiments. This step sets the foundation for your Data Science project.

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Step 2: Setting the significance level

The significance level is denoted by alpha (α). It is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true. The significance level is usually 0.05 or 0.01, meaning the chance of 5% or 1% in accepting a Type 1 error (rejection of true null hypothesis). 

Step 3: Collecting the data

Collect data by conducting a study or experiment to test the hypothesis. Focus on gathering random data to ensure unbiased results. Random data reduces the risk of systematic errors and provides a more accurate representation of the population or phenomenon being studied.

Step 4: Calculating the test statistic

The test statistic measures the deviation of sample data from the null hypothesis. Frequently used test statistics are the chi-square test, t-test, z-test, and F-test. The type of test statistic used depends on the hypothesis being tested and the level of data measurement.

Step 5: Calculating the p-value

The p-value is the probability of observing the test statistic assuming the null hypothesis is true or the likelihood of the null hypothesis being rejected. 

A small p-value (less than the significance level) indicates rejection of the null hypothesis, and a large p-value (more significant than the significance level) suggests that the null hypothesis cannot be rejected.

Step 6: Making a decision and interpreting the results

Finally, a decision is made based on the p-value and the significance level. Suppose the p-value is less than the significance level. In that case, the null hypothesis is rejected in favour of the alternative hypothesis, and the results are said to be statistically significant. 

If the p-value exceeds the significance level, the null hypothesis is not rejected, and the results are not statistically significant.

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Hypothesis Testing in Statistics ExamplesHypothesis Testing in Statistics

Example: Suppose a factory produces light bulbs, and the manufacturer claims that the average lifespan of a bulb is 1000 hours. However, you suspect that the bulbs may not last that long. To test your hypothesis, you randomly select a sample of 50 bulbs and test their lifespans. You find that the average lifespan of the sample is 980 hours with a standard deviation of 50 hours.

For performing a hypothesis test on the above problem, the steps need to be followed are:

  1. The null and alternative hypotheses are defined, with the null hypothesis (H0) that the average lifespan of bulbs is 1000 hours and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) that it is less than 1000 hours.
  2. Choose a significance level of 0.05, i.e., acceptance of a 5% risk of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true.
  3. The test statistic is calculated using a t-test as the population standard division is unknown. The formula for the t-test is:

t = (x̄ – ? ) / (s /√n  )

where x̄ is the sample mean? is the population mean (to be tested), s is the sample standard deviation, and n is the sample size.

Putting in the values,

t = (980 – 1000) / (50/√50 ) = -2.24

  1. To calculate the p-value, we use the one-tailed hypothesis (as we only want to find whether the lifespan is less than 1000 hours), so we have to find the area under the t-distribution to the left of our test statistic. Using a t-table or a calculator, we found the p-value to be 0.014.
  2. When we compare the p-value (0.014) to the significance level (0.05), we conclude that the p-value is less than the significance level, which means the average lifespan of bulbs is less than 1000 hours.

Note: This is just a simple illustrative example. Hypothesis testing in statistics can be more complex, involving more variables, sample sizes, and assumptions.

Common Errors in Hypothesis Testing

In hypothesis testing, two common errors can occur: Type 1 and Type 2 errors. A Type 1 error happens when you reject the null hypothesis, even though it is true. Essentially, you believe there is an effect or difference when there isn’t one. 

The likelihood of committing a Type 1 error is represented by alpha (α), also known as the significance level of the test. Researchers usually set α at 0.05, meaning there’s a 5% risk of making this error.

On the other hand, a Type 2 error occurs when you fail to reject the null hypothesis when it is false. It means you need to detect an effect or difference that truly exists. 

The probability of making a Type 2 error is denoted by beta (β). While the researcher typically predetermines α, β depends on factors like sample size, effect size, and the chosen α level. A high β, indicating a high chance of Type 2 error, can undermine the test’s ability to detect actual effects.

Understanding and managing these errors is crucial in hypothesis testing. Researchers aim to minimise α to avoid false positives while considering power (1-β) to ensure they don’t overlook accurate findings. Balancing these risks helps achieve reliable and valid results in scientific studies.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Hypothesis Testing in Statistics?

Hypothesis testing in statistics evaluates assumptions about a population based on sample data. It involves formulating a null hypothesis (no effect) and an alternative hypothesis (presence of an effect). Through statistical analysis, researchers determine whether to reject the null hypothesis based on the evidence.

What are the types of Hypothesis Testing?

Hypothesis testing includes null and alternative hypotheses, simple and composite hypotheses, and one-tailed and two-tailed hypotheses. Null and alternative hypotheses address the presence or absence of effects, while simple and composite hypotheses specify single values or ranges. One-tailed tests focus on one direction, and two-tailed tests examine both directions.

What are the steps in Hypothesis Testing?

The steps in hypothesis testing include clearly stating the null and alternative hypotheses, setting the significance level (alpha), collecting and analysing sample data, calculating the test statistic, determining the p-value, and making a decision. This process helps validate theories and ensures evidence-based conclusions.

Closing Words

Hypothesis testing is crucial for making informed statistics decisions by evaluating assumptions about populations through sample data analysis. This structured method involves formulating null and alternative hypotheses and setting a significance level. 

It also includes systematically analysing data to draw reliable conclusions. Understanding and applying these steps ensure rigorous and credible statistical inferences, reducing errors and enhancing decision-making across various fields.


  • Rahul Kumar

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    I am Rahul Kumar final year student at NIT Jamshedpur currently working as Data Science Intern. I am dedicated individual with a knack of learning new things.

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