How to Scrape Twitter Data using Python

How to Scrape Twitter Data using Python?

One of the best ways to collect and gather datasets for organisations is through social media platforms like Twitter. Gathering data is not an easy task and Data Science projects requires you to have fair amount of Data for conducting analysis and evaluation.

Twitter is a platform that contains diversified amount and genre of data because it involves the collection of tweets having different ideas, sentiments and even different mindsets. The data gathered from the platform remains highly unbiased. Consequently, it is one of the most important prerequisites for training a new Machine Learning Model.

To scrape Twitter Data using Python, you need to know about Data Scraping and the two Application Programming Interface (APIs) including Tweepy and Twint. Read the blog to learn more!

What is Data Scraping?

Data Scraping, also known as web scraping, is the process of extracting data from websites or online sources. It involves automated methods of retrieving information from web pages and saving it in a structured format for further analysis, storage, or use in various applications.

Data Scraping typically involves the use of web scraping tools or programming languages to fetch and extract data from HTML or XML documents. The process involves sending HTTP requests to web servers, retrieving the HTML content of web pages, and then parsing and extracting the desired data elements.

Why is Data Scraping performed?

There are several reasons why data scraping is performed:

  • Data Collection: Data scraping allows organizations or individuals to gather large amounts of data from multiple sources quickly and efficiently. This data can be used for various purposes such as market research, competitor analysis, sentiment analysis, or building databases.
  • Price Monitoring and Comparison: E-commerce businesses often employ data scraping to track prices of products on different websites. This helps them monitor competitors’ prices and adjust their own pricing strategies accordingly. It also enables price comparison websites to provide up-to-date and accurate information to users.
  • Research and Analysis: Data scraping is widely used in academic research, social sciences, and data-driven analysis. Researchers can collect data from various websites, social media platforms, or online forums to analyze trends, sentiment, or user behavior.
  • Lead Generation: Many businesses use data scraping to collect contact information, such as emails or phone numbers, from websites. This data can be used for marketing purposes or to generate leads for sales teams.
  • Content Aggregation: News websites or content aggregators may employ Data Scraping to automatically collect articles, blog posts, or other content from different sources. This allows them to create comprehensive collections of information and provide users with curated content.
  • Monitoring and Surveillance: Data Scraping can be used to monitor and track changes on websites or online platforms. For example, it can be used to track stock prices, weather updates, or social media mentions.

Why Scrape Twitter Data?

Data Scrapping

Scraping Twitter data offers several benefits and use cases for individuals and organizations. Here are some reasons why scraping Twitter data can be valuable:

  • Market Research: Twitter provides a wealth of real-time information on public opinions, trends, and consumer behavior. By scraping Twitter data, you can gather insights into market trends, customer preferences, and sentiment analysis. This information can be valuable for market research, competitor analysis, and identifying emerging trends.
  • Social Media Monitoring: Scraping Twitter data allows you to monitor brand mentions, hashtags, and conversations related to your business or industry. By tracking discussions, you can gauge customer sentiment, address customer concerns, and identify opportunities for engagement or improvement.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Twitter data scraping can be used for sentiment analysis, which involves determining the sentiment or emotional tone of tweets. Analyzing sentiment can help businesses understand how customers perceive their brand, products, or services. It can also be useful for tracking public opinion on specific topics or events.
  • Trend Analysis: Twitter is known for its real-time nature, making it a valuable source for tracking trends. By scraping Twitter data, you can identify popular hashtags, trending topics, and viral content. This information can be utilized for content creation, social media marketing, and staying updated on current events.
  • Customer Insights: Twitter data scraping enables you to gather information about your target audience, their interests, demographics, and behavior. This knowledge can help businesses tailor their marketing strategies, develop targeted advertising campaigns, and personalize customer experiences.

2 APIs for Twitter Data Scraping

Data Scraping of Twitter involves two Twitter APIs which can be used to for analysing different types and large volumes of data. These include-

1. Tweepy-

Tweepy is a widely used Python library for accessing the Twitter API. It simplifies the process of interacting with Twitter by providing a convenient and intuitive interface. Tweepy allows developers to authenticate with Twitter, fetch tweets, user profiles, trends, and perform various other operations.

Key features of Tweepy include:

  • Authentication: Tweepy supports OAuth authentication, which is the standard method for accessing the Twitter API securely. It simplifies the process of authenticating your application and handling rate limits.
  • API Methods: Tweepy provides a set of methods that allow you to interact with different parts of the Twitter API. You can fetch tweets, user information, followers, timelines, search results, and perform actions like posting tweets, following or unfollowing users, and more.
  • Streaming API: Tweepy supports the Twitter Streaming API, which allows you to receive real-time data from Twitter. You can track keywords, hashtags, user mentions, or filter tweets based on specific criteria.
  • Rate Limit Handling: Tweepy automatically handles rate limits imposed by the Twitter API. It manages the timing and retries for making API requests, ensuring you stay within the allowed limits.

2. Twint-

Twint is another powerful Python library for scraping Data from Twitter. It is known for its ability to retrieve large volumes of historical tweets and perform advanced searches.

Key features of Twint include:

  • No API Restrictions: Twint does not require API authentication, making it a useful tool for scraping large volumes of historical tweets without being limited by API restrictions.
  • Advanced Search and Filtering: Twint allows you to perform complex searches and apply various filters to narrow down your data retrieval. You can search based on keywords, usernames, locations, dates, languages, and more.
  • User and Tweet Information: Twint provides access to detailed user and tweet information. You can retrieve user profiles, followers, followings, and interact with tweet data such as retweets, replies, and favorites.
  • Custom Output Formats: Twint allows you to export the scraped data in various formats, including CSV, JSON, and SQLite. This makes it convenient to save and analyze the data using different tools and platforms. 

How to Scrape Data From Twitter using Python?

To scrape data from Twitter using Python, you can utilize various libraries and APIs. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to scrape data from Twitter using Python:

Step 1: Set up Twitter API credentials:

  • Create a Twitter Developer account and apply for a Twitter Developer API key.
  • Generate access tokens (API key, API secret key, access token, and access token secret) for authentication.

Step 2: Install the required libraries:

  • Install the Tweepy library by running pip install tweepy.

Step 3: Import the necessary libraries:

Import the necessary libraries

Step 4: Authenticate with Twitter API using Tweepy:

Authenticate with Twitter API using Tweepy

Step 5: Define search parameters and scrape tweets:

Define search parameters and scrape tweets

In the above example, we scrape tweets based on a search query and specify the number of tweets to retrieve. You can modify the search_query variable and fields list to suit your needs. The extracted data, including the tweet’s creation timestamp, text, and the user’s screen name, is saved in a CSV file named “tweets.csv”.

Step 6: Execute the script: Save the script as a Python file (e.g., and run it using a Python interpreter.

Step 7: Analyze and process the scraped data: Once the data is scraped and saved, you can analyze and process it using various Python libraries and techniques. For example, you can use pandas for data manipulation, matplotlib or seaborn for data visualization, and natural language processing libraries for text analysis.

Remember to comply with Twitter’s terms of service and API usage guidelines when scraping data from Twitter. Be mindful of rate limits and respect the privacy of users. Additionally, consider using advanced search parameters and filters provided by the Twitter API to refine your data retrieval.


The blog has provided you with utmost knowledge and practical evaluation on how to scrape data using Python in Twitter. You’ve learnt about the concept of Data Scraping along with the two APIs- Tweepy and Twint along with their key features.

Pickl.AI has effectively introduced different Data Science courses which allows you to develop different skills helping you to perform data analysis and evaluation. Accordingly, Pickl.AI’s Data Science Job Guarantee Program will help you to learn Data Scraping skills. Performing Data Analysis and visualisation will become extremely easier for you to collect and gather data. You’ll get hands-on experience and constant mentorship that will allow you to become an expert professional.


Why is Data Scraping necessary on Twitter?

Data scraping on social media connections assists in tracking, assessing, and reviewing the information available through the sites. Twitter is the most prominent platform, and scraping Twitter data enables users to analyse customer behaviour, competitive strategy, sentiment assessment, and stay up to date on what’s happening on the world’s most successful social channel through the tweets of people, peers, and businesses that are significant to them.

Twitter data scraping service adheres to your throughout its entirety demands and provides you with the information you need in the shortest possible period of time. Twitter, for example, permits only crawlers to collect content through its API in order to control the volume of data that’s available regarding their users and what they’re doing.

What are APIs?

Application Programming Interfaces or APIs are the bits of code that allows different digital devices, software programs and data servers for communicating with one another. Accordingly, it is the backbone of many of the services that you actually rely on. An API helps in connecting computers or pieces of software with one another as opposed to what you experience in an user interface. It is primarily designed for computer programmer who can incorporate it directly into the software.

What is the salary of a web scraper in India?

As per the reports of June 2023, web scraping salary statistics in India shows that an employee makes Rs 2,90,588 every month. While the salary can vary based on which region or company you’re employed, the highest average salary in India is Rs 3,09,705 and the lowest annual salary is 2, 61,176


  • Tarun Chaturvedi

    Written by:

    I am a data enthusiast and aspiring leader in the analytics field, with a background in engineering and experience in Data Science. Passionate about using data to solve complex problems, I am dedicated to honing my skills and knowledge in this field to positively impact society. I am working as a Data Science intern with, where I have explored the enormous potential of machine learning and artificial intelligence to provide solutions for businesses & learning.