Applications of Cloud Computing

Applications of Cloud Computing: Real-World Examples

With technological revolution at its peak, cloud technology has become one of the most rapid adoptions in the world amongst the largest brands. Cloud technologies have enabled some of the most innovative products and tools to develop in the recent times. However, not many of you are aware about Cloud Computing and its benefits or the various fields where it is applicable. The following blog will allow you to expand your knowledge on the field along with learning about applications of Cloud Computing along with some real-life use cases.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computer is the delivery of the computing services on-demand through the internet based on the need. It enables businesses in renting access to computing services like servers, storage, databases, analytics, and intelligence, typically over the internet. Companies tend to avoid setting up or owning centres of data and computing infrastructure by renting resources from cloud service provider. It helps companies in reducing cost of developing and installing software for improving business operations. Therefore, Cloud Computing is crucial for businesses as it reducing operational costs, runs infrastructure efficiently and scale based on required changes in business.

Benefits of Cloud Computing

There are several benefits of Cloud Computing which allows businesses to incorporate them within their organisations with much enthusiasm. Following are the top benefits of Cloud Computing:

  • Lowering Cost: computing infrastructure costs a lot in terms of its establishment and running it in-house. Additionally, it is also expensive to purchase and maintain equipment as well as hiring trained IT experts. With Cloud Computing, all of these costs are lowered and businesses only need to pay for the services they actually procure.
  • Mobility: one of the most crucial benefits of Cloud Computing is that it offers mobility to the users by ensuring that you can access resources in real-time in cloud from any location or device.
  • Scalability: With the help of Cloud Computing, businesses can scale yp or down their feature of Information Technology based on their needs.
  • Disaster Recovery: in case of Cloud Computing businesses do not need to worry about data backup plan or data recovery. With cloud there is no risk of permanent data loss even in case of any disaster.
  • Data Security: the technology offers advanced Data Security features therefore, guaranteeing Data Safety.
  • Unlimited Storage Capacity: cloud technology provides you with unlimited storage capacity for all kinds of data.
  • Automatic Software Updates: the software vendors regularly maintain and manage the software and security updates on behalf of the users.
  • Better Collaboration: within an organisation, it is possible to use Cloud Computing and share real-time data and information. It efficiently improves collaboration at workplace and enhances team performances.

Applications of Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing is the most effective technological development that has gained immense popularity while having numerous benefits in the real world. There are certain applications of Cloud Computing in the real-world that you need to learn about and has been explained below:

Applications of Cloud Computing

Art Applications

Cloud Computing is enabled by businesses for art applications like designing attractive books, cards and creative images. The technology helps in making instant creative designs that are used to create and print mini cards. It can be easily configured or installed within desktops or personal computers of designers.

Cloud Computing applications example on art applications may include Vistaprint and Adobe Creative Cloud that help designers in editing existing designs.  

File Storage Platform

The online File Storage Platform using Cloud Computing allows end-users to host files, documents and videos on cloud. The application providers the users with simple interface and use, view and upload documents from the local computers to these sites. These services can be both free and paid while premium services are accessed with monthly or annual subscription.

Example of Cloud Computing as a file storage platform comprises of Media Fire, Hot Dile and Rapid Share.

Image Editing Applications

Cloud services enable end-users to use free editing services for pictures and offers services like image resizing, editing, cropping and special effects under one common user interface. The technology also offers contrast and brightness editable applications and delivers high level, complex features for subscription fees.

Example Cloud Computing in Image Editing Applications include Fotor and Adobe creative cloud.

Data Storage Applications

Cloud Computing technology offers you with Data Storage applications that enable end-users in storing information in cloud. Such cloud are either public or private cloud. You can store data, files, images, etc on these clouds allowing sharing and collaboration. These stored data are safe and backed up instantly. 

Example of Cloud Computing in Data Storage Application include DropBox, OneDrive, Box, Mozy and Google Suites.

Antivirus Applications

Cloud technology also provides you with antivirus and support services that will help in boosting the functioning of the system smoothly. Cloud Antivirus software helps end-users in cleaning the system at regular periodic intervals. It allows you to detect and fic threats caused by malware or some form of viruses. These features present in cloud services benefit the end users like offering free of cost and detecting threat and sending report to the Data Centre.

Example of Cloud Computing applications for antivirus includes Kaspersky endpoint protection and Sophos endpoint protection.

Entertainment Applications

Cloud Technology providers ensure that it facilitates interaction of different entertainment applications with targeted audience. It also include online gaming services and entertainment services.

Cloud Computing applications examples for entertainment applications include Google Stadia which is a video gaming service providing 4K resolution within 60 frames. Project Atlas is also an example of Cloud Computing entertainment app.

Social Media Application

There are several cloud -based social media apps that allows you to connect on real-time basis and provide interface for collaboration. These social media applications allow millions of end-users to connect simultaneously across the globe.  

Example of Cloud Computing for social media applications include Facebook, Yammer, twitter and LinkedIn.  

Uses of Cloud Computing

IaaS and PaaS

Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) helps in delivering fundamental compute, network and storage resources to the consumers on-demand. It is done over the internet and on a pay-as-you-go basis. By using cloud infrastructure on a pay-per-use scheme, it enables companies to save costs in acquiring, managing and maintaining IT infrastructure.

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) ensures ti provide customers with a complete cloud platform including hardware, software and infrastructure for developing and managing applications. It can be enabled without cost, complexity and inflexibility in building and maintaining the platform on-premises.

IaaS PaaS SaaS

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

SaaS offers you with software access online through subscription rather than IT teams thereby having to buy and install it on individual systems. SaaS providers include Salesforce that enable software access anywhere, anytime, as long as internet connection prevails. These tools help in providing open access to more advanced tools and capabilities like automation and optimised workflows.

Hybrid Cloud and Multi-cloud

Hybrid Cloud refers to the Cloud Computing services that integrates on-premises private cloud with third-party public cloud services for running critical applications and workloads. It makes it easier for selecting optimal cloud for each application then move them between the two different clouds based on circumstances.

Multi-cloud refers to the Cloud Computing service which includes a mix of IaaS, PaaS or SaaS resources where different workloads are run in different cloud to meet unique needs. It allows organisations to make use of two or more clouds from different providers.

Testing and Development

With Cloud Computing services, it is possible to undertake real-time testing and development of IT-enabled resources. It ensures that with Cloud Computing, it enables resources which are ready for delivering services.

Big Data Analytics

Cloud Computing offers solutions by churning and managing Big Data. Accordingly, with the help of Cloud Computing services, it is possible to drive analysis of big data efficiently. Consequently, it allows organisations to make faster decisions and focus on insights shared from cloud services.


Therefore, Cloud Computing offers you with an array of services that avoids the need for physical storage for organisations. Accordingly, in the current technologically expanding work, physical storage is being replaced by cloud. Furthermore, it installation with secure internet connection allows daily use. Cloud Computing platform enables on-demand services with highly productive use of the resources.


  • Aishwarya Kurre

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    I work as a Data Science Ops at and am an avid learner. Having experience in the field of data science, I believe that I have enough knowledge of data science. I also wrote a research paper and took a great interest in writing blogs, which improved my skills in data science. My research in data science pushes me to write unique content in this field. I enjoy reading books related to data science.