Transfer learning in deep learning

What is Transfer Learning in Deep Learning? [Examples & Application]

Summary: Transfer Learning revolutionizes AI by efficiently adapting pre-trained models to new tasks. It reduces reliance on extensive datasets and accelerates SEO, NLP, and robotics model training. Pickl.AI offers insights and training to leverage Transfer Learning for enhanced AI applications.


Transfer Learning is a game-changing technique in Machine Learning that leverages pre-trained models to expedite the training process for new tasks. Transfer Learning reduces the need for extensive data and computational resources by utilizing the knowledge gained from large, general tasks. 

This method transfers the weights from pre-trained models, enabling faster and more efficient training for various applications such as computer vision, natural language processing, and robotics. 

As a result, Transfer Learning addresses common challenges in machine learning, such as data scarcity and high computational costs, making it a popular and powerful tool for developers.

More to Read: 

Unlocking Deep Learning’s Potential with Multi-Task Learning.

Learn Top 10 Deep Learning Algorithms in Machine Learning.

What is Transfer Learning?

Collecting large volumes of data, filtering it, and interpreting it is challenging. What if you could use a pre-trained model as a framework for data training? Yes, Transfer Learning is the answer. 

Transfer Learning is a technique in Machine Learning in which a model is pre-trained on a large and general task. Since this technology transfers weights from AI models, it eventually makes the training process for newer models faster and easier. Thus, it saves time that otherwise goes into training a model from scratch. 

Simply put, transfer learning utilizes the knowledge gained from the pre-trained model and applies it to the new task. Thus, it reduces the amount of data and computational need. Transfer Learning has various applications in computer vision, NLP, recommendation systems, and robotics. Eventually, this will make it a powerful and efficient tool in Machine Learning.

Examples of Transfer Learning in Deep Learning

Understanding transfer learning examples in deep learning is crucial as it showcases how pre-trained models can be adapted for new tasks, enhancing efficiency and accuracy. This knowledge helps save computational resources, reduce training time, and improve model performance across diverse applications. Examples are:

Using a pre-trained image classification network for a new task with a similar dataset:

  • Transfer learning often involves utilizing a pre-trained image classification network, such as VGG, ResNet, or Inception, for a new but related task. 
  • For instance, a model trained on the ImageNet dataset, which contains millions of images across thousands of categories, can be adapted to classify images in a different but similar dataset, like a collection of medical photos. 
  • One can achieve high accuracy with significantly less training data by transferring the learned features from the pre-trained model and fine-tuning them on the new dataset.

Fine-tuning a pre-trained language model for text classification on a new text dataset:

  • In Natural Language Processing (NLP), pre-trained language models like BERT, GPT, or RoBERTa have demonstrated remarkable success.
  • These models can be fine-tuned for sentiment analysis, spam detection, or topic classification on new text datasets. 
  • The process involves adjusting the model’s parameters slightly while keeping the core structure intact, leveraging the vast linguistic knowledge the model has already acquired.

Application of a pre-trained object detection network, like the segmentation on a new dataset:

  • Pre-trained object detection networks like YOLO, SSD, or Faster R-CNN can be adapted to new datasets for tasks like object segmentation. 
  • These models, trained on large datasets like COCO, can detect and classify objects within images. 
  • By fine-tuning these networks on a new dataset with specific object categories, they can quickly and accurately perform object segmentation, identifying and localizing objects within new contexts.

These examples demonstrate how Transfer Learning can solve problems quickly and effectively with limited data and computational resources. 

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What Happens At The Core?

Understanding what happens at the core is significant here. The process involves using pre-trained models to construct a new model with similar functionality but different parameters or data sources. Eventually, the newer model is equipped to resolve problems without any flaws. 

The objective behind Transfer Learning is to share certain features across tasks. This is executed by using some of the standard features of the pre-existing model and building a new one without starting from scratch. This eventually saves the developer’s time and ensures the creation of a flawless and accurate model.

Types of Transfer Learning in Deep Learning

In this section, you will look at types of transfer learning in deep learning. This knowledge enables better handling of limited data scenarios, optimizing resources, and enhancing the accuracy of machine learning applications across various domains. Types are: 


Fine-tuning utilizes pre-trained models as a foundation and adjusts them for a new task by training with a lower learning rate. This method allows the model to adapt its weights to the nuances of the latest data, thus improving performance without starting training from scratch.

Feature Extraction

In feature extraction, developers use pre-trained models to extract meaningful features from new data. These features, which capture relevant patterns learned from large datasets during pre-training, are then used to train a new classifier or model. This approach is beneficial when the new dataset is small and may need to be revised to train a deep model from the beginning.

Domain Adaptation

Domain adaptation fine-tunes a pre-trained model precisely to adjust to a new domain or data distribution. This is crucial when the characteristics of the data shift, such as differences in sensor types, environments, or demographics, requiring the model to adapt to these changes.

Multi-task Learning

Multi-task learning involves training a single model on multiple related tasks simultaneously. The model can better generalize and improve performance on each task by sharing features across functions. This approach is beneficial in scenarios where tasks have common underlying patterns or dependencies.

Zero-shot Learning

Zero-shot learning uses pre-trained models to predict classes or tasks not seen during training without additional data or training for those specific classes. This is achieved by leveraging the model’s ability to generalize learned features to new examples, demonstrating its versatility beyond the original training context.

Tabular Representation of the Difference Between Transfer Learning and Machine Learning

Tabular representation simplifies complex data into structured formats, aiding comprehension and analysis across various fields. Now, you will look at a tabular representation of the difference between transfer and machine learning. 

It’s important to note that transfer learning is a subset of machine learning and leverages techniques from machine learning to achieve its goals.

Transfer learning in deep learning

Why is Transfer Learning Gaining Popularity?

Transfer Learning could be a revolutionary addition to the Machine Learning domain. It helps in overcoming some of the drawbacks and bottlenecks of Machine Learning:

Data scarcity

Transfer Learning technology doesn’t require reliance on larger data sets. This technology allows models to be fine-tuned using a limited amount of data. It is beneficial in applications where labeled datasets are scarce or expensive to acquire, such as medical imaging, autonomous driving, and Natural Language Processing (NLP).

Computational Cost

Transfer Learning works on a free trade network, thereby reducing the dependency on creating a model from scratch. Thus, it is computationally less expensive.

Long training time

When the developer starts training a model from scratch, it may take days or weeks, eventually increasing the time. However, computational time dramatically decreases in transfer learning because it involves using pre-trained models, thus making it a time-saving process.

Domain adaptation

Transfer Learning enables models to be adapted to new domains by fine-tuning pre-trained models on task-specific data. 

Transfer Learning Applications

Knowing about Transfer Learning applications is essential. Transfer learning is precious in domains with limited data, enhancing accuracy and accelerating AI development in diverse fields. Applications of transfer learning are: 

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)

This type of Deep Learning network finds application in image classification, object detection, and segmentation tasks. Using pre-trained weights from existing models such as VGG16 or Res Net50, developers can quickly construct new networks fine-tuned towards specific tasks with improved accuracy and faster training times than would otherwise be possible.

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)

It use Natural Language Processing applications such as text classification, sentiment analysis, and machine translation. Using the knowledge learned from large datasets of previously labeled texts, the developers can quickly train new RNNs on smaller datasets with higher accuracy than would otherwise be possible. This makes it easier to create custom NLP systems that are more accurate and require less data than traditional methods.


Using Transfer Learning, developers can improvise robotic tasks like navigation, motion control, and manipulation with minimal modification. They can also learn to navigate more accurately when facing unfamiliar terrain or objects.


Transfer learning has been used to analyze medical images such as CT scans and X-rays, where pre-trained models on large image datasets can be fine-tuned for specific tasks such as disease diagnosis.

These are just a few examples of the wide range of applications for transfer learning. The technique is increasingly popular because it can leverage knowledge learned from large datasets to improve performance on related tasks with limited data.

Must Read: Top 8 Fascinating Applications of Deep Learning You Should Know

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Transfer Learning in Machine Learning?

Transfer Learning involves reusing knowledge from pre-trained models to tackle new tasks efficiently. Leveraging learned features reduces the need for extensive data and computational resources, making AI development quicker and more accessible for applications like SEO and image recognition.

How does Transfer Learning benefit SEO?

Transfer Learning enhances SEO by enabling faster model adaptation for image classification and NLP tasks. This efficiency boosts content optimization efforts, improves search engine rankings, and optimizes user experience through more accurate analysis of textual and visual content.

Why is Transfer Learning gaining popularity in AI?

Transfer Learning addresses significant challenges in AI, including data scarcity and high computational costs. It allows developers to quickly fine-tune models for specific tasks, such as medical imaging and robotics, thereby expanding AI applications into domains previously constrained by limited resources.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, Transfer Learning is an effective technique. It can improve the accuracy and speed of development for many tasks. By leveraging pre-trained models or features from existing datasets, developers can quickly construct more accurate models without starting from scratch each time.

In the future, technologies like Transfer Learning will find widespread applications across the industry. This will highlight the significance and interpretation of data sets in creating an AI model, eventually leading to increased demand for data science professionals. 

Suppose you are looking for a progressive career opportunity. In that case, this is the right time to enroll in the Data Science Certification Program, where you will be a part of a comprehensive learning journey. 

This will help you develop strong skills in data science, programming languages, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. All this will eventually help boost your career growth. So, take a step ahead and join Pickl.AI and start your learning journey today.


  • Neha Singh

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    I’m a full-time freelance writer and editor who enjoys wordsmithing. The 8 years long journey as a content writer and editor has made me relaize the significance and power of choosing the right words. Prior to my writing journey, I was a trainer and human resource manager. WIth more than a decade long professional journey, I find myself more powerful as a wordsmith. As an avid writer, everything around me inspires me and pushes me to string words and ideas to create unique content; and when I’m not writing and editing, I enjoy experimenting with my culinary skills, reading, gardening, and spending time with my adorable little mutt Neel.

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