
Choose The Best Python Web Scraping Library For Your Application

Summary: This article explores popular Python web scraping libraries, detailing their pros and cons. Each tool has unique strengths, from Requests and lxml to Scrapy and Beautiful Soup. Choose the best library based on your project’s requirements, whether you need speed, ease of use, or handling dynamic content.


You seldom hear a word in Data Science vocabulary that says there is enough data. With the large volume of data being added to the network daily, filtering out the data and extracting useful information from it becomes challenging. Thankfully, a stack of Python web scraping tools is available for Data Scientists to help them assess this data.

Web scraping is a powerful way of extracting useful information, and as a Data Scientist, knowing the best web scraping library for your application will help you in your interview.

Data plays a significant role in changing business strategies; hence, having expertise in this domain will help you excel as a Data Scientist. Knowing the right tools to extract the data is essential for accurate interpretation. Python web scraping tools for Data Scientists will help you with this. 

Read More: 8 Best Programming Language for Data Science.

Why Rely On Python Web Scraping Libraries?

Python is the most popular programming language. It is one of the most potent and highly versatile, and its universal application makes it a popular choice for developers. 

One of its popular uses is web scraping, where the data is extracted from the portals. Several Python libraries are available, but none suit your project or purpose.

  • Automation: One primary reason for using Python libraries is that they automate the entire process, thus making them highly productive tools. Coding is to be done just once. A web scraper backed by Python libraries automatically extracts data from websites. 
  • Combination: A few tools in Python libraries don’t run very fast. In such cases, you may need to combine them with others. You can use a single Python web scraping to handle all the functions. 

Moreover, a web scraper built on Python extracts data, parses and imports it. It also lets you visualise the extracted data using Matplotlib. In this article, we will examine some of the popular Python libraries available on the market and discuss their pros and cons. 

Check More: Explore data effortlessly with Python Libraries for (Partial) EDA: Unleashing the Power of Data Exploration

Get The Best Web Scraping Using Python Librariespython

Knowing about web scraping with Python libraries is essential for efficiently extracting valuable data from websites. It enables automation of data collection, supports Data Analysis, and provides insights for business decisions. Mastering these tools enhances your programming skills and offers numerous opportunities in data-driven fields.

Requests Library

The Requests library is a fundamental tool in Python for web scraping and interacting with web services. It allows you to send HTTP requests to web servers and retrieve HTML content from web pages, the starting point for web scraping. 

This library supports various HTTP methods, such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and more, enabling comprehensive interaction with web APIs. Known for its simplicity and ease of use, Requests abstracts many of the complexities of making HTTP requests, allowing developers to focus on extracting and processing the needed data. 

Its robust handling of HTTP connections, cookies, sessions, and more makes it a popular choice for web scraping and API interaction tasks.


  • It is an easy-to-use tool
  • It helps in extracting data from the website’s URL
  • With the Request library, you can post, delete and update the data for a particular website
  • It has an authentic module, so it is highly secure


  • You can use it only to retrieve data from a static webpage
  • You cannot use it to parse HTML
  • You cannot use this library on websites with JavaScript
  • It does not support asynchronous requests, which can limit some applications

lxml Library

The lxml library is renowned for its speed and high performance, which effectively address some of the limitations of the Request library. By integrating the strengths of Element trees and Python, lxml becomes a powerful tool for web scraping, particularly suitable for efficiently handling large volumes of data. 

Combined with the Request library, it enables robust and swift web scraping operations. Users can leverage XPath and CSS selectors to extract data from web pages precisely. This combination of capabilities makes lxml a preferred choice for developers needing to manage substantial data extraction tasks quickly and accurately.


  • These work at a blazingly high speed
  • High-performing library
  • Used for scraping large volumes of data
  • It uses a blend of Element Tree and Python


  • It cannot be used with poorly designed HTML
  • The documentation of this library is not beginner-friendly
  • It has a steep learning curve for those unfamiliar with XML parsing
  • Limited community support compared to more popular libraries like Beautiful Soup


If you have to pick the best Python library, Scrapy is the right option. It is not just a library but a complete framework that handles web scraping completely. 

This library has spider bots that can easily crawl to extract data from different websites. In addition, this library also leverages the creation of spider bots, which you can host as an API. You can create a pipeline of spider bots and use them later. And all this takes just a few minutes. 

This tool can take different HTTP requests at a time, saving time and increasing work efficiency. It also gives you the leverage to add plugins that eventually enhance its functionality. When it comes to JavaScript like Selenium, Scrapy is not practical, but it can be merged with Splash to add this feature. 


  • It can be used to extract data from dynamic websites
  • It has excellent documentation
  • You can create spider bots using this library
  • It has a well-designed architecture


  • Not particularly for the beginners
  • Requires a good understanding of HTML and CSS to extract data effectively
  • You may encounter issues with websites that have anti-scraping mechanisms
  • Limited support for handling JavaScript directly without additional tools like Splash

Beautiful Soup Library

It is yet another popular tool for extracting data. It helps create a parse tree for HTML and XML documents. One of the defining features of this library is that it automates the conversion of incoming documents to Unicode and outgoing documents to UTF-8.

This library is easy to use and, hence, suitable for beginners. It can also be combined with lxml. However, you may have to compromise on the speed. You can use this library if you need help with poorly designed HTML.


  • You don’t need too many codes to use this
  • Good documentation
  • Easy to learn
  • It automatically detects the encoding


  • It’s not a fast tool
  • Limited in complex parsing tasks
  • Dependency on external libraries for speed
  • Not ideal for large-scale scraping

Selenium library 

While most of the libraries mentioned above are suitable for non-dynamic websites, you can use the Selenium library to extract data from a dynamically populated website. Initially, this library was used to test web applications. Later, it was found helpful in extracting data from a dynamic website.

Selenium is suitable for running JavaScript. You can use it to fill out forms, scroll the page, and do other things. Since it can run on JavaScipt, it finds applications in extracting data from a dynamic website. However, its working speed is low, so it is not an appropriate choice for large-scale projects. 


  • It can be used for scraping dynamic websites
  • Automated web scraping
  • It also automates the web browser
  • Beginner-friendly


  • You have to compromise on the speed
  • You need a high-powered CPU and memory usage
  • Its slow speed makes it unsuitable for large projects
  • It requires continuous updates to keep up with browser updates

Read Further:

Data Abstraction and Encapsulation in Python Explained.

Introduction to Model validation in Python.

How to write a function in Python?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best Python library for web scraping?

Choosing the best Python library depends on your specific needs. Selenium excels for dynamic websites with JavaScript interaction. lxml is optimal for speed and efficiently handling large data volumes. Beginners find Beautiful Soup easy to learn when parsing poorly structured HTML and XML documents.

Why is Python preferred for web scraping?

Python’s popularity in web scraping stems from its straightforward syntax and robust libraries. Requests simplify HTTP requests, Beautiful Soup effortlessly parses HTML/XML, and Scrapy offers a comprehensive framework. These tools automate data extraction, supporting diverse scraping needs from static to dynamic content.

Can I use Python web scraping libraries for dynamic websites?

Yes, Selenium is ideal for scraping dynamic websites where content loads via JavaScript. It allows interaction with elements like form submissions and scrolling, crucial for extracting data from modern, interactive web applications. This capability makes Python a versatile choice for various scraping challenges.

Wrapping It Up

From the above discussion, we can conclude that Python is the best language for web scraping. The primary reason for using the Python library is its high performance and simple syntax. 

The tools discussed here are the most powerful but not limited to these libraries; several other Python web scraping libraries are available. Assessing project requirements will help you choose the suitable Python library. Hence, knowledge and expertise in Python are paramount. Enrolling in Python programming allows you to learn these tools to simplify your tasks. 


  • Neha Singh

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