Data Science Careers Online Training Courses

Data is driving the world. With the growing proliferation of Data Science in every business domain, the significance of Data Science certification courses has also increased. The growth prospects and the salary package are the driving force motivating many students to enroll on Data Science certification courses. The promising future that Data Science offers is playing a catalytic role.

There are several Data Science training courses, and the popularity of Data Science online courses has skyrocketed. If you are looking forward to making growth in your career as a Data Scientist, this blog will unfold key details of online Data Science training.

Key takeaways

  • There has been a constant rise in job opportunities in the artificial intelligence & machine learning domain. In the 2nd week of April 2022, there were around 179K job opening in this field.
  • In April 2022, there was a 30.1% increase in job openings in the analytics field compared to others.
  • MNC IT & KPO Service Providers have consistently hired people in analytics jobs since 2019.
  • The salary of a data scientist has increased by 25.4% in 2022 compared to 2021. The salary of a Data Science professional has increased to INR 16.8 lakhs per annum.
  • Even the non-MBA graduate in data science saw the highest annual jump (52.3%) in their median salaries compared to professionals with other educational qualifications.

Let’s get started

Data Science has emerged as a revolutionary technology and is finding applications across the different industrial segments. It is hailed as the hottest job in the 21st century. It is the buzzword that has been drawing a lot of attention recently.

It is expected that by 2026 around 11.6 million jobs will be created in the field of Data Science. All these progressive and positive figures indicate that Data Science will be the future. Hence if you are planning to opt for a career opportunity that will give you good professional growth, then Data Science is the right domain for you.

Several online institutes are offering Data Science certification courses. These courses are designed to provide you with complete knowledge of Data Science fundamentals and the different tools.

Apart from this, these online certification courses also emphasise on practical learning approach to ensure that you can implement the concepts effectively on the ground level.

Why Data Science?

As we have mentioned above, the statistics favour the growth of Data Science as a profession. Making a career in a field that gives you a promising future is the best move that you can make.

One of the key reasons people opting and are motivated to become a Data Science professional is its widespread application. As a data scientist, your job role is not merely limited to the industry. Rather you can explore job opportunities in finance, healthcare, retail, and IT.

This gives you enough opportunity to become a professionally successful data scientist. However, choosing the right institute and platform for learning Data Science is important.

5 high-paying Data Science career opportunities

  1. Data Architects and Administrators– They work closely with data engineers. The prime job is to comprehend the enterprise strategy and data that needs to be collected.Average Base Salary: ₹ 13.5 Lakhs to ₹ 40.0 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 22.9 Lakhs.
  2. Data Engineer – These have expertise in accessing and processing a large volume of data. They work on interpreting unformatted and unverified data.Average Base Salary: ₹ 3.0 Lakhs to ₹ 20.1 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 8.1 Lakhs
  3. Data Analyst – This is an entry-level profile. The data analyst has to work on raw data collected via the system. They work closely with the marketing, sales and customer support team.Average Base Salary: ₹ 1.9 Lakhs to ₹ 11.1 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 4.3 Lakhs.
  4. Data Scientist -Their work profile is beyond data analysis. They have to work to address real-world business issues using their data science expertise.Average Base Salary: The average salary for a Data Scientist in India is 10.5 Lakhs per year, increasing with experience.
  5. Machine Learning Engineer – They primarily work on big data. They are responsible for developing software, ML models, and artificial intelligence (AI) systems.Average Base Salary: Machine Learning Engineer salary in India with less than 1 to 6 years of experience ranges from ₹ 3.5 Lakhs to ₹ 21.0.

What makes the best Data Science course?

Several institutes offer Data Science certification courses. Most of these courses are now available online. Hence, the task becomes baffling when it comes to finalising the best institute.

It is important to understand how a good institute differs from an average. The following segment takes you through the different aspects of Data Science courses you should look for before rolling in a certification course.

  1. The course module– The Data Science course should encompass all the key concepts of Data Science, and at the same time, it should also include the practical aspects of it. This includes working on live projects and real-life applications.
  2. The course instructors– The second differentiating factor is the instructors or tutors who will guide you through the learning process. They will ensure complete guidance and support throughout the learning curve. Since Data Science certification courses are a complex learning journey, enrolling on a program offered by an expert Data Science professional is important.
  3. The duration of the course– The duration of the course also plays an important role. If you are keen to enroll for an online Data Science certification course, then you expect a self-paced learning journey. The duration of the course should be such that it covers all the key aspects of Data Science like Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Python, Big Data, application of the tools used in Data Science and others.

Why choose Pickl?

  1. Industry experts as your instructors– Pickl offers you the best online Data Science certification course. These instructors have already developed several scalable modules that has been implemented across different companies.
  2. Practical implementation– Learning from the expert ensures you can implement your knowledge on the ground level. This Data Science training program has been developed by industry experts.
  3. Complete guidance and support– Pickl offers you the right guidance and support for clearing doubt.
  4. Placement assistance– The support system doesn’t end here. Pickl has placement assistance that helps you network and develops your portfolio, which helps you bag a good job.

Wrapping it up!!!

Pursuing a career in Data Science looks lucrative; however, it requires hard work and a thorough understanding of the concepts. With the assistance of the right institute like Pickl.AI, it will become easier for you to gain expertise in the fundamentals and elemental part of Data Science and its application.


  • Neha Singh

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    I’m a full-time freelance writer and editor who enjoys wordsmithing. The 8 years long journey as a content writer and editor has made me relaize the significance and power of choosing the right words. Prior to my writing journey, I was a trainer and human resource manager. WIth more than a decade long professional journey, I find myself more powerful as a wordsmith. As an avid writer, everything around me inspires me and pushes me to string words and ideas to create unique content; and when I’m not writing and editing, I enjoy experimenting with my culinary skills, reading, gardening, and spending time with my adorable little mutt Neel.